This book was recommended to read by Diamond Norliza during our last few meetings at her house. The Cure was written by Dr Timothy Brantley, who was inspired by the poor results of western medications towards the illness of his parents. His mom suffered many years with breast cancer before she passed away when he felt relieved with her death, as his mom once told him, "No one should suffer like this". I personally haven't got the book for myself but I found some words from the book that could give us the idea why we should seek for the alternative.
Taken from the last chapter of The Cure…
Imagine living in a healthy and vibrant body, feeling great every day of your life. What if I told you this is not a fantasy? The truth is that you already live in a body designed for balance and optimal health.
Your body knows only one thing for sure – how to balance, heal and restore itself – if you allow it to do so. Balance equals optimal health, and the body was designed to constant return to balance and health because diseases cannot live in a healthy body.
Few basic points highlighted by Dr Timothy includes :
- Follow the rules and laws of Creation – the only real authority ; Solat & du'a for the muslims.
- Live according to Creation and remember that prevention is the key ; Start now.
- Always keep the idea of balance in the forefront of your mind ; Be moderate in life.
- Understand what you have learned and why it works
- Ask questions when you don't understand, and don't stop until you get an answer ; Be curious. After all, it's about your own body.
- Take responsibility for your actions and what you put in your mouth ; You are what you eat, breath and do.
- Don't wait until you're in trouble to take action ; Prevention is everything.
- You are your best health insurance policy ; Enough said.