Showing posts with label CEO Café. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CEO Café. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Kek Biskut Marie - CEO Style

Kali ni nak share resipi Kek Biskut Marie. Sebenarnya banyak dah orang share kat internet. Sebelum wujudnya internet pun memang dah tau pasal Kek Biskut Marie ni tapi dulu kecik lagi, tak reti nak buat. Dengar2 orang cerita kek letak Milo. Masak2 lepas tu tuang atas biskut. Masok fridge, dah siap. Wah, senang betul bunyi dia. Memang senang pun, tapi senang macam mana pun, mestilah ikut cara dia kan. My first attempt was masa Raya 2013. We had a mini open house, hanya ajak close friends and immediate family members je. Bukan tak nak ajak ramai orang, tapi itu macam kira house warming jugak, sebab baru berapa bulan je pindah, dan paham2 je lah rumah yang kena naik lif ni. Lagipun, it's actually our very first time to host an open house, all by ourselves! Alhamdulillah, guests were great. Food, mostly buat sendiri. But Mummy & MIL were very kind to donate us some! ^_^

Ok, berbalik pada Kek Biskut Marie. Mula2, google kat internet, so terjumpa kat YouTube : Kek Batik Cikgu Menoh. Memang terbaik kalau tengok cara masakan dalam video tu. Easy to follow. So saya pun gunakan resipi yang sama, tapi ade lah ubah sikit. Yang specialnya, saya tambah CEO Cafe untuk menaikkan lagi rasa coklat, selain bagi a hint of coffee taste in it. Kalau nak cuba, boleh ikut resipi di bawah - diolah sedikit daripada resipi Cikgu Menoh :

Bahan-bahan :

  • 350g Biskut Marie (dipatahkan) - 1 paket
  • 250g Unsalted butter - 1 buku
  • 400g Cadbury Chocolate  - 2 bars
  • 1 sachet CEO Cafe 3-in-1 (tanpa gula)
  • 1/2 cawan Susu segar
  • 3 biji Telur

Cara-caranya :
  1. Masukkan butter, coklat, CEO Cafe dan susu segar ke dalam kuali dan kacau atas api sederhana sehingga semua sebati.
  2. Pukul telur dalam mangkuk yang lain dan tuang ke dalam adunan coklat yang dah sebati tadi.
  3. Sentiasa kacau adunan dalam kuali sehingga pekat. 
  4. Bila adunan mula mendidih tutupkan api dan masukkan biskut Marie yang telah dipatahkan. Gaul hingga sebati.
  5. Sediakan bekas tahan panas dan alas dengan plastik yang tahan panas juga. Masukkan kesemua adunan ke dalam bekas sambil tekan2 untuk mampat.
  6. Biarkan adunan tadi sejuk sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam fridge. Seeloknya biarkan semalaman sebelum potong.
  7. Untuk memotong, terbalikkan bekas dan keluarkan kek bersama plastik.
  8. Buang plastik dan potong mengikut kesesuaian saiz.
Senang je kan? Saya dah beberapa kali buat mengikut resipi yang ni, memang jadi everytime insya Allah. Tapi nak bagi tips sikit. Saya pernah jugak nak experiment, guna SALTED butter. Erk. Memang masin sangat. So please jangan guna salted butter. MIL selalu pesan kalau nak buat kuih ke ape, tabur secubit garam, so kalau nak jugak garam, tabur SECUBIT je. Tapi mesti guna UNSALTED butter k? Lagi satu, ade jugak haritu cuba untuk tak gaulkan biskut dan coklat sampai sebati. Cuma tuang coklat mix atas biskut yang dah dipatah2kan. Hasilnya? Rapuh. Huhu. Sudahnya, makan pakai sudu je, tak cantik bila dipotong2. So, bagi sesiapa yang belum cuba dan teringin nak guna teknik2 yang tak menjadi seperti yang saya baru cakap tadi, tak payah lah cuba ya. :P Yang paling best, orang yang takde oven pun boleh buat kek ni. Dan sangat sesuai untuk buat minum petang ke, snack ke. So kalau buat saje2 kat rumah, lepas potong tu masukkan la dalam bekas2 kecil dan simpan dalam fridge. Bila2 rasa teringin, keluarkan satu bekas dan terus ngap! Makan dengan secawan kopi CEO. Pergggh!

On health & wealth (HOPP in Saujana Impian - Part II)

Ok, sambung perbincangan masa HOPP di rumah Pn +Nina. Selain cerita tentang healing crisis masing2, sebenarnya banyak catch-up sessions antara kami. Al maklum, dah lama tak jumpa. Orang perempuan kalau bersembang jangan buat main. Tapi kalau borak dengan Pn +Nina, insya Allah tak ada sembang2 kosong. Semuanya very informative. Sebab tu selalunya my husband tak kasik kitorang selalu berjumpa. Dia takkan percaya lepas meeting 2 jam terus balik. Katanya mesti ada 'meeting after meeting' yang akan makan masa berjam2. Hehe. Memang betul pun. 

Antara yang dibincangkan ialah one of her latest blog update, berkenaan dengan status Pn +Irna di FB : 

Betul jugak. Apa maksud badan yang berasid? Kenapa boleh jadi berasid? Macam mana nak neutralkan badan kita ni? Rupa2nya Pn Nina dah share dalam blog dia tentang masalah ni. Kite ni dah lama tak update blog, apetah lagi nak jenguk blog orang lain, so she explained a little. Kalau ada masa, boleh baca explanation yang panjang lebar di blog Pn Nina. Pendek kata, tak semestinya makanan yang ada sifat asid tu, boleh menjadikan badan kita berasid. Contohnya limau, kalau kita makan, bahan kimianya akan bertukar dalam badan dan menghasilkan alkali di dalam badan. So limau, walaupun sifat asalnya ialah berasid, sebenarnya makanan yang beralkali untuk badan. Reishi / Lingzhi pula ialah sejenis 'alkaline forming', iaitu boleh menghasilkan alkali dalam badan. Menjadi isu bila orang kata kopi tak boleh ambil banyak sangat sebab coffee tu acidic. Tapi sebab dalam CEO Cafe yang kita jual tu ada Yung Kien Lingzhi dalam dia, keasidan kopi tu akan dineutralkan oleh lingzhi tu tadi. Sebab tu lah kopi kita best! :D

Bercakap tentang CEO Cafe, ada lagi satu yang nak kongsi, in case ramai yang belum tahu. CEO Cafe terdapat dalam 2 jenis - with sugar & without sugar. Untuk orang yang ada masalah kencing manis / darah tinggi, perlu elakkan makanan yang tinggi kandungan gula, boleh lah minum CEO Cafe 3-in-1 TANPA GULA. Pahit tak? Mestilah! Kopi biasa pun pahit, tambah lagi dengan Yung Kien Lingzhi yang baik untuk hati tu, confirm pahit! Ye, makanan yang sedap2 tu kebanyakannya tak elok untuk badan. So lebih baik kita sedapkan badan dari sedapkan tekak ^_^. Tapi kalau tak tahan pahit jugak, boleh lah ambil CEO Cafe 4-in-1, ada gula premix dalamnya. Tapi gula yang digunakan ialah raw cane sugar. Bukan gula biasa yang dijual di pasaran tu yer. Mesti ramai yang tak tau dari mana datangnya nama CEO Cafe tu kan? Sebenarnya, Shuang Hor's R&D department telah mengambil masa selama lebih kurang 2 tahun untuk mendapatkan formula yang terbaik untuk premix coffee yang bakal dihasilkan dan formula terakhir yang terpilih tu telah diluluskan oleh our own CEO di Taiwan, hence the name - CEO Cafe. :) 

Antara yang dibincangkan lagi masa HOPP haritu, tentang Pollen - Wind Pollenated vs Insect Pollenated. Our Yung Kien Pollen is insect-pollenated, and the 1 sachet of granular pollen equals to 6 capsule of pollen. So, kalau nak makan our pollen, terpulanglah ikut citarasa nak telan kapsul or bancuh dalam air. Dan lagi satu, tentang one of our products - Calcium tablet. Our calcium tablet is the only calcium that has lingzhi in it. Wah. Memang unik! Rugi tak makan. I took calcium tablet during my 1st trimester of pregnancy. Alhamdulillah tak ada masalah langsung, lagi dentist puji gigi cantik mase pregnant ade la. :D

The last session of our HOPP was the bonus calculation untuk sesiapa yang menjadi ahli. Sebab Farhana masih belum jelas tentang perkiraan, so lama sikitlah nak belajar kira2 yang teliti, sebab dia nak prepare untuk explain kat 3 tauke kedai mamak yang die jual CEO Cafe tu. Farhana target nak dapat dalam RM200 je sebulan. Antara kitorang ada yang target RM2k, RM20k, dan sebanyak mungkin. Huhu, macam2. Yang paling best dalam Shuang Hor ni, tak kiralah target kita RM20 atau RM20k sekalipun, asas nya sama. Registration fee RM35 and that's it. Bukan nak kata siapa yang nak bonus RM20k kena bayar lebih ke ape. Takde pun. Sama je, RM35 SAHAJA. Sebab tu walaupun umur, target, agama dan warna kulit berbeza, kami semua boleh join kelas yang sama. Takde yang berbeza pun. :)

Alhamdulillah, the first HOPP for 2014 berjalan dengan lancar. Terlajak sampai ke petang but in future will be more disciplined supaya sempat balik rumah awal untuk kemas2 apa yang patut sebelum 'big boss' balik. ^_^ The next HOPP will be next week, insya Allah in Hulu Langat. Kalau ada sesiapa nak join, boleh tinggalkan contact number untuk dihubungi. Ok, till the next one!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Resipi kesihatan mudah di bulan Ramadhan!

Tinggal beberapa minggu sahaja lagi umat Islam akan berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan. Berpuasa bukan sahaja diamalkan oleh umat Islam, tetapi agama lain juga menyarankan pengikutnya untuk berpuasa untuk menyucikan diri.

"Seluruh pakar perubatan telah bersetuju bahawa kantung perut yang penuh disebabkan banyak makan adalah punca utama kepada bermacam-macam penyakit terutamanya kegendutan yang menyebabkan timbulnya sub penyakit lain. Maka, puasa adalah satu-satunya cara yang dapat memelihara anggota badan daripada semua penyakit kerana melaluinya unsur-unsur racun di dalam makanan dapat dineutralkan setelah berpadu di antara satu sama lain. Dalam bidang perubatan, kesan lapar adalah lebih baik daripada penggunaan ubat secara berterusan. Manusia digalakkan berpuasa walaupun tidak menghadapi sebarang penyakit. Ini kerana ia dapat membersihkan badan dari racun-racun yang berkumpul di dalamnya.
Banyak kajian perubatan mengaitkan berpuasa dengan memberi peluang organ-organ di dalam sistem badan (terutamanya sistem pencernaan/penghadaman) untuk berehat. Jadi, berpuasa adalah jalan terbaik bagi memulihkannya kerana dengannya wujud satu sistem baru dalam badan yang bertindak mematikan sel-sel lama / toksin untuk digantikan dengan sel-sel baru yang lebih baik dan bertenaga." - Disertasi, Kebaikan Berpuasa 07

Lingzhi sememangnya sudah dikenali dengan keistimewaannya untuk menyahtoksin hingga ke peringkat sel. Jadi, puasa adalah masa yang paling sesuai untuk seseorang yang betul-betul ingin mencuci dan menguatkan sistem dalam badan dan mengambil Lingzhi. Di sini, disertakan resipi yang lazat dan menarik untuk dicuba :)

Resipi I
1 paket Vita King
2 paket Jia Hor Hi Fibre
3 paket Jia Hor Soya Protein
4 paket Yung Kien Pollen (granular)
Air sejuk / susu / jus buah-buahan
Cara-caranya :

Semua bahan digoncang sekali dan minum serta merta. Baik jika diminum ketika sahur. Campuran air ini akan memberi rasa kenyang dan segar (tidak menggigil) sepanjang hari.
Vitaking dan Pollen akan memberi tenaga sepanjang hari untuk bekerja. Hi Fibre berfungsi untuk mencuci usus. Juga mengandungi Lingzhi yang membantu penyaktoksinan badan. Soya Protein pula untuk membantu pembentukan sel-sel baru.

Mudah dan tidak mengambil masa yang lama untuk disediakan. Tidak perlulah untuk bangun awal pagi untuk masak ketika sahur :P Campuran ini juga sangat disyorkan kepada sesiapa yang ingin mempunyai bentuk badan yang ideal / menurunkan berat badan :)

Resipi II
2 paket Jia Hor Hi Fibre
2 paket Jia Hor Soya Protein
1 biji pisang
Ais / aiskrim vanila (untuk lebih sedap)
Cara-caranya :

'Blend' semua bahan dan minum! Kanak-kanak juga akan menggemari resipi ini. Sesuai untuk sahur dan berbuka.

Resipi III
1 paket CEO 3 in 1
1 paket CEO 4 in 1
2 paket Jia Hor Soya Protein
Cara-caranya :

Larutkan 2 peket CEO Cafe terlebih dahulu dengan air panas. Goncang 2 peket Protein bersama air sejuk. Setelah campuran CEO Cafe menjadi suam, tuangkan protein kedalam CEO.

** Protein haruslah dilarutkan dengan air suam/ sejuk untuk tidak membunuh enzim didalamnya. Minuman ini sangat memberi tenaga sepanjang hari dan membantu terutamanya pesakit gastrik.

Resepi IV
2 paket CEO Cafe (3 in 1 / 4 in 1)
Cara-caranya :

Bancuh dalam 1 cawan dan minum. Boleh diminum panas atau sejuk.

CEO Cafe boleh memberi kesegaran untuk memulakan hari dan memberi tenaga sepanjang hari. Ia mengandungi Yung Kien Ganoderma untuk membantu proses penyahtosikan badan yang lebih efektif.

Selain itu, sudah tentu resipi-resipi ini boleh dicuba juga selain daripada bulan puasa. Apa kata mulakan sekarang?Selamat mencuba! :)

**Informasi tambahan: Greenzhi Toothgel sangat membantu untuk mengelakkan nafas / mulut berbau :)
Digunakan sebagai ubat gigi biasa ketika membersihkan gigi. Jika masalah mulut berbau masih tidak dapat diatasi, telan 1-2 inci gel Greenzhi untuk pembersihan dari dalam. (Terutama untuk orang yang mengalami resdung / mempunyai banyak lendir di dalam tekak). Jangan risau, ianya selamat untuk dimakan serta telah mendapat pengiktirafan Halal dari JAKIM.

**Sumber artikel dari Ms Iris. Terima kasih. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dealing with Cancer

Here is a newspaper cutting from Selangor Times (18-20 February 2011). Apparently, the person written on the article is one of Ustazah Siti's downlines. She shared a little bit of her experience dealing with breast cancer while consuming Shuang Hor's products.


Around 1 in 20 Malaysian women has a risk of getting breast cancer. All women above the age of 20 are at risk, but the risk increases with age.

  • Family history - Women who have family member(s) who has breast cancer are at higher risk
  • Early menstruation (before the age of 12) or late menopause (after the age of 50)
  • Never having a full-time pregnancy or giving birth after the age of 30
  • Not having breastfed
  • A diet high in fat and low in fibre
  • Obesity in post-menopausal years
  • Excessive alcohol consumptions

Despite what some people believe, tight-fitting or underwire bra does not cause breast cancer, neither do the fondling of breasts.

Breast cancer is curable (insya Allah) and there are methods of early detections. Women below 35 are advised to do a breast-self examination every month. For women above 35, breast examination by a doctor every year is recommended. But the best method to detect breast cancer before any lumps can be felt is via mammogram.

By consuming Lingzhi, early detection is possible too. The only bonus is, unlike normal examination done by the doctors, 'scanning' for symptoms by consuming Lingzhi will (at the same time) help to start curing the disease. Some people say it's expensive to be healthy -- the thought of need to consume Lingzhi in a very high dose at first. But hey, try to fall sick, and let me know if it's cheap!

**Source taken from Selangor Times (18-20 February 2011)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

In pain.

About 3 weeks ago, my mom was hospitalized as she was suspected suffering from Dengue. The early symptoms were bodyaches, very weak and tired, and high-temperature fever. Since she was in the hometown at that time, my auntie brought her to the clinic where she was immediately sent to the hospital via ambulance as her platelet reading was very low. When she was admitted, her platelet count (PC) was 46,000, where normal PC should range within 150,000 to about 400,000 per microlitre of blood. Her temperature at that time was around 40°C. She was dripped with loads of water, on both her left and right hand, immediately. At this point, she was very weak and in pain.

I was already on my way back to hometown when I got the news she was admitted. Thanks to the 2½ hours delay of the train, I arrived around 8.30pm and went straight to the hospital. Mom looked really tired. I immediately asked her to take YungKien LingZhi with Pollen. She was too weak to decline and my cousin and I stayed there till after 10pm, not being aware of the visiting hour. Mind you, she was in the HDW (High Dependancy Ward) which is under the Incentive Care Unit.

We fed her with lots of Kiwi fruits, Crab soup (known to increase platelets tremendously but her appetite was not so good), JiaHor Soy Protein with Hi-Fibre, and opened-capsules of Lingzhi poured into the CEO Café, everyday. Even though the mixture of CEO Cafe with opened capsules of LingZhi was very bitter, mom disciplined herself consuming those ingredients. On the 2nd day, her temperature has already gone down to normal. Her lowest PC was 16,000 and she was discharged on her 5th day, with PC of 79,000. We got back home on the same day she was discharged and up till now, she's still feeling a little weak, but getting better day by day. We understand that the virus still linger in the body and need some time to fully recover, with lots of rest. On the 5th day at home, BIL brought him for a quick blood test just to make sure she's doing fine. The doctor did PC and liver test on her and Alhamdulillah, the result turned out good. Her PC was 370,000 and her AST and ALT reading were slightly higher than usual but did not exceed 100, which the Doctor said was totally fine, but plenty of rest is essential.

Yesterday, exactly 1 week after my mom was brought back home, I woke up having body aches and a slight temperature on my body. Knowing that the virus has intervened my immune defense, I quickly consumed CEO Cafe, Jia Hor Soy Protein, together with Jia Hor TwinPack to develop back my immune system fast. I suffered from painful body aches throughout the day up till midnight. I woke up around 12am and felt a bit better, drank lots of water, and tried to walk around in pain to help my body heal itself. This morning, I woke up with less pain, and less heat in my body. I hope to be fully recovered soon as I need to attend my first conference in 3 days time. And Alhamdulillah, after all the vomits of phlegms and going back and forth to the toilet every hour, I did not suffer from asthma. Not even wheezing or shortness of breath. And I could sleep soundly when I felt sleepy. That's a huge relief. :)

Right now, I'm hibernating (rest, rest, and REST...) till my body is healthy again, insya Allah.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Colon-ial inspection?

Di Li explained about different types of colons in our previous Monday meeting. A healthy colon is essential for getting a healthy digestive system. When our digestive system is working in the right manner, we would have a good liver, hence a good immune system, as well. As most of us have known, immune system is the best doctor of our own body. So to make sure our body can fight all kinds of viruses or diseases, we need to check whether our colon is healthy or otherwise.

The figure on the left is an example of a healthy colon. How do we know whether we're having a poor digestive system? Checking the stool's characteristics would be a simple medical checkup on our body. We have to make sure that our stool is healthy ; big, floating, long (4-8inch), yellow, and not too stinky. If the stool sinks to the bottom, it means that we are not eating enough food that are rich in fibre. Hard and clumped stool shows that it has been in the intestines for too long and produced darker colour as well. This could lead to constipation and haemorrhoids in the long run. Good bacterias in the colon help the peristalsis process and it is known that the production of good bacterias is tremendously huge during the process of giving birth (naturally). So if possible, avoid undergo caesarian while delivering your baby because you could be wasting the opportunity to improve the condition of your body system. Results have shown that 1 sachet of CEO Cafe every hour could fasten the cervical opening (for long contraction) for easier labour. This is because caffeine is very good in activating our nerves and of course CEO Cafe contains Lingzhi - need I to say more?

Prolapsed colon occur when the transverse colon is loaded and heavy (usually due to constipation). When the transverse colon falls and making a 'U' shape, it could actually be dangerous as it might be pressuring the other organs beneath it, like the bladder, fallopian tubes, uterus or prostate. When the bladder is being cramped, it is difficult to control urinating. There are cases where some people might even wet their pants because the muscle in the bladder could not hold the pressure of the colon making urinating is out of control. Dropped womb could also be the effect of Prolapsus, where ovum is blocked from going through the fallopian tubes, and conceiving is impossible.

Spasm is usually an effect after taking laxatives for a long time. Many consume laxatives in forms of herbal tea and even pills prescribed by doctor, mainly to lose weight or if they are having constipation problem. The downside of the laxatives are, it does not actually removes fat from the body, but our body waste, and this is done by force. The intestines are purged so that colons perform contraction and waste is deposited harshly. This would make muscles in colon to become weaker and weaker and this defeats the purpose of the laxatives in the first place.

Have you ever encountered a thin person with a bloated stomach before? This person might be suffering from a symptom called Ballooned Sigmoid. This is when the descending colon is loaded with accumulated faeces and stretching the bowel walls, like a balloon. Usually, during Shiatsu inspection, this person might feel pain on the intestines point on the left hand (descending colon). There was a case of a 21 years old lady with this symptom, experience bleeding in her bowels after consuming few sachets of CEO Cafe.

Stricture is another condition which usually occurs in new born babies. This is normally the case if the mother suffers from constipation. Sometimes, Fistulla even developed inside the colon. Loads of good bacterias are needed in the intestines to make sure our digestive system is working in a right manner. Did you know that the bacteria in your bowels outnumber the cells in your body by 10:1? Trillions of bacteria in our colon is very powerful for our immune system, which is the only body's natural defense system that fights diseases and keeps us healthy. Therefore, it is impossible to have a healthy body without actually having a healthy bowel! That serious!

When constipation became really bad, toxic gas starts to be produced from the accumulated faeces. This type of bad of air will be spread all over the body causing one to burp more frequently, headaches and other health issues. When the amount of trapped air increased in the colon, it will want to force itself out from the bowel walls, creating small pockets through the weaker layers. These pockets resulted from lack of fibre intakes in our diet.

We seldom find that new born babies are prone to have bloated stomach, even since born. But for extreme cases, it might due to a very stressed mother during her 3rd trimester in pregnancy. This could cause Colitis for the babies. It is important to understand that our body health is very much affected from what we eat, and how we live. Many people fail to realize that our thinking process could also contribute to healthy organs in our body.

So the next time you feel like taking in all the headaches and pressure from your job or other issues, remember about the baby you are carrying, or about to carry. One head is enough to feel the pain. Do not give it to others. Do your own inspection now! Which category do you fall into?

**Text attracted from Di Li's meeting at Shuang Hor on 21/6/2010
**Pichas taken from multiple internet sources including

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Liver - Keep it healthy!

Liver is said to be one of the most important organs in our body. I partly agree with this, because I believe all parts of our body is extremely important. But being the place where all the toxins accumulate, it is true that we have to take care of this one organ; the liver.

Why? Liver acts like a filter. It helps to filter out toxins from our blood system before blood is being pumped to the whole body. Toxins are from the food we ate, drinks we drank, air we breathed ...

How often do you change your water filter at home? It only does water filteration, but still, we need to cleanse it once in a while. And that's only the tap water, which seems to be colourless with our naked eye. What about Teh Tarik, air Sirap, and Coke that we drank? Not only that, the food we ate; Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, fast food with all the variety names and colours. Poluted air that we breathe, smokers, 2nd-hand smokers ... All of these are filtered by our liver, and after that goes to the kidneys for the next filteration process. Our body systems are truly amazing. There has not been a man-made machine which can operate 24 hours a day, every single day till the day it stops working. It may be 10, 20 or even 100 years, but it will continue working till the day it stops forever.
So when our body starts to give signs or symptoms of failure in certain parts, do not ignore these signs. Pay attention to it. Your body does not need a mechanic to repair its parts, it is self-healed. (Remember Claire Bennett?) Yes, we too have the ability to heal. Only that, we don't grow back our toes once we cut it off. The only question is, how good can we heal?

To determine how good can we heal, one of the important factorsto have a healthy liver. Healthy liver will make our immune system be in a good condition, and everything else will come after. Immune system is like a line of defense ready to go for war. Once we have a very good and competent line of soldiers, we could fight any enemies who try entering our body such as viruses, bad bacterias, including SARS, H1N1, etc.

When toxins are not cleansed out from the liver, liver will shrink and harden with scarring. This condition is called cirrhosis. When this happened, the liver slowly loses its functions which includes to cleanse the toxins and wastes in our blood, and manufacture vital nutrients. Causes of liver cirrhosis are from chronic alcohol abuse, drugs usage (including prescribed medicine), and virus infection.

Sounds scary? You better be. But fret-not. If you can't avoid from such kind of lifestyle, there are ways found to prevent liver disease from occuring. Heard of the phrase 'prevention is better than cure'? I would like to highlight here that prevention is CHEAPER than cure. How?

Well, good news to coffee lovers out there. Researchers in the United States have found that several cups of coffee a day could stop the progression of liver disease, according to studies. Sufferers of chronic hepatitis C and advanced liver disease who drank three or more cups of coffee per day slashed their risk of the disease progressing by 53% compared to patients who drank no coffee. This study was lead by Neal Freedman of the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) .

The researchers put forward several ways in which coffee intake might protect against liver disease, including by reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, which has been associated with liver illness, or by reducing inflammation, which is thought to cause fibrosis and chirossis of the liver.

Even caffeine, the chemical that gives a cup of coffee its oomph, came under the spotlight, having been found in previous studies to inhibit liver cancer in rats. But drinking black or green tea, which also contain caffeine, had little impact on the progression of liver disease, although there were few tea drinkers in the study.

Interesting? Indeed!

Please beware that 'coffee' in the context means REAL coffee. Yes, freshly brewed coffees from your nearest Starbucks store is considered as real (Coffee Frappuccino is not counted). Most ground coffee in the local stores do not provide us 100% real coffee. So, please be wise when choosing the right item.

If you're still thinking of which coffee to buy, apart from Star(cough)bucks, you might want to try CEO Cafe from Shuang Hor which obviously have the good grade of coffee in it, plus, it has extract of YungKien Ganoderma, which has been certified to regulate immune system and liver protection. From where I can see, if you're opting for an affordable liver protection, CEO Cafe is worth trying and of course it is value for your money!

Let's detoxify our liver today!
Source from TheSun, Wednesday, October 28th 2009 & AFP-RelaxNews

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Salam Eid Mubarak

To all the Muslim readers, Salam Eid Mubarak. :)

It's been a while since I posted the last entry. Anyways, just would like to highlight that we're moving towards the end of September 09, so there will be only 2 meetings left for this month. The next one will be on the 26th of September 09 (TODAY!) at 3pm-5pm. It'll be in Bahasa Malaysia. The last meeting for September will be the Cantonese slot on the 30th September 09. So if you're free on the said dates, do come and listen to what will be shared by the speakers on those days. For newbies, not to worry, the meeting is free of charge. No registration what-so-eva. Just be present to learn and share knowledge with others. :)

We're still in festive mood and I've been receiving messages from friends and relatives saying that they are not feeling well with stomach upset, fever, headaches and such. So here, I would like to remind everyone, please watch what you are eating. Especially when we have just completed our 1-month of Ramadhan. One simple advice given by my upline was, not to leave Shuang Hor's CEO Cafe behind. It's the most economical way to ease your stomach, relieve your headache, and insya Allah, lower down the temperature of your fever. Always monitor your digestive system and drink plenty of liquid!

Most of you are afraid to take CEO Cafe because of the caffeine contents. Not to worry. Since there is YungKien Ganoderma in CEO Cafe, the excessed caffeine will be flushed out from the body about 2 hours after consumption. And some of you might not know that moderate intake of caffeine in our body could actually improve our health condition. Caffeine helps to activate our body's nerve system which could make the YungKien Ganoderma reaction to be more effective and achieve faster result.

Visit Shuang Hor's website for further details on the ingredients and functions of CEO Cafe (also available in sugar-free : suitable for diabetic patients).

Monday, July 6, 2009

Vertigo Reactions

In one of Shuang Hor's OPP Slide pages, there's one titled "Initial responses generally experienced after taking LingZhi". These are :

1) Improvement of subjective symptoms (eg : headaches)
2) Normal appetite
3) Normal sleep
4) Normal excretion
5) Fresh with vitality

6) Vertigo Reactions

What are Vertigo Reactions?

Vertigo Reactions = Getting Well Reactions (Detoxification)
*Vertigo Reactions are temporary signs with no cause for alarm

Examples of possible Vertigo Reactions :

1) Existing symptoms à slightly aggravated
Appetite à reduce/increase craving for food
Sleep à unable to sleep well
Excretion à constipation or diarrhea
Alertness à frequent bouts of fatigue, sleepy
6) Others à thirst, farting, urticaria (itchy on skin), etc.
**During consumption of LingZhi, there is no need to stop on-going medication or therapy (if any)

Personally, I've experienced different reactions throughout my long term of LingZhi consumption. I started with Lu Chun LingZhi Tea, and then to JiaHor LingZhi, JiaHor Nutri-Health Tablet, CEO Café up till the very amazing YungKien LingZhi. I also compliment my daily dosage with JiaHor Soy Protein, Jia Hor Hi-Fibre, and recently, I put some JiaHor Seasoning Powder to my dishes and it tastes good too. :)

To some of you, you may think that I must be earning so much that I can afford consuming all of the products at once! Well, not really. I don’t consume all at once. I keep taking LingZhi continuously every month and compliment it with other products once in a while. I consume according to my budget. And the benefits I got from the products have actually driven me to do the business so that I can consume more products with more discounts, and hopefully one day, FOC! It is possible, but definitely takes time and effort and lots, lots of patience. At the same time, I can share my knowledge to help others to improve their lifestyle to a healthy one too. 

But for this post, let me just focus on my reactions I have experienced so far...
When I started taking JiaHor LingZhi few years back, only I experienced real and visible reactions. First, it was the headache¹ (OK, this is not visible ;P). For those of you who started to get this reaction, I understand if you feel like quitting because I TOO HATE HEADACHES! Very painful, felt like vomiting (and sometimes I literally did), can’t do any work, and you have that urge to bang your head on the wall. Stop! But knowing that it’s a first sign of a positive reaction, I was patient enough to bear with the pain and suck it all in, and Alhamdulillah, I got through it. Few days later, I started to have some rashes2 on my knees. I remember this happened after having few prawns for lunch.

And then I experienced having a massive discharge. Usually this type of reaction only happened to those with menstruation problem. I used to have clots during my monthly and that clots actually contribute to period-pain where most people say it is normal since we have ‘Panadol Menstrual’ selling at all 7-11 stores. But some people have light and some people suffer from bad period-pain. There are people who do not suffer any pain at all during menstruation. So ladies, face the fact that period-pain is NOT normal.

When I started consuming CEO Café 2 sachets per day, consistently, I started to have itchiness2 on my hands after 2 weeks. It continued with a slight fever and the itchiness/rashes developed throughout my whole body. I knew at that time it was one of vertigo reactions but when I couldn’t handle the rashes, I went to see the Doctor and get some cream to relieve the itchiness. Some said it was hay-fever. Doctor suspected dengue fever (because red spots started to appear on both of my hands) and did a blood test on me but the result was negative. Thank God. I continued CEO Café consumption and used VCare Shower Gel for bathing, on top of applying medicated-cream given by Doctor and also some GreenZhi paste on the rashes. Result : rashes got dried out and skin started peeling off -- To those of you who were there during my skin-change, you know how it was, right? It’s like getting back from Port Dickson after sun-bathing for a few days. My skin dropped off everywhere! Erkkhh. After couple of weeks, everything got back to normal. :D

Also after CEO Café consumption that I realized my bowel habit was getting better. I am not sure when did I start to have constipation but I never remember going to the toilet to do that ‘thing’ everyday. So, probably since I was a small kid. Hm.

More reactions happened after complimenting LingZhi intake with other products. My stool texture becoming better after consuming JiaHor Hi-Fibre. Less hairfall and dandruff since I have been using VCare Scalpcare Shampoo and having JiaHor Soy Protein for breakfast every morning. There was one time I had a tiny layer of cataract-like on my white-eye. Went to check with the Doctor and she said it was common and nothing to be afraid of. Only that after 20 years I need to undergo a surgery to remove it. Hm. What a relieving explanation. I am not blaming the doctors, though. I am sure it’s written like that somewhere in their syllabus. I just don’t like to attend surgeries, that’s all. So I rinsed my eyes with GreenZhi. And few days later that ‘thing’ in my eye was gone. Alhamdulillah.

After I have secured my first day-job, I started consuming YungKien LingZhi every month. I started with high dosage of 12 capsules per day together with about 20 capsules of YungKien Pollen and the first week made me went to the toilet not less than 10 times per day. I was pee-ing heavily and was told by more experienced people that it’s a sign of kidney-cleansing. After that, I did not experience much reaction so I reduced my consumption (due to a very tight budget) but continuously everyday.

Last 2 weeks I had a fever. It’s been a while since I experienced one. I started to get a slight temperature on Wednesday. By Friday, my fever was gone. During this period, I consumed about 6-10 JiaHor LingZhi per day. And then I had sore throat. As advised by AN, I opened up 1 capsule of JiaHor LingZhi and pour directly to my throat. Only 1/3 of the capsule went through with that method. The rest had to be mixed into my coffee. Very bitter. ;P On Sunday morning, I started to cough3 a little. Towards late in the afternoon, coughing became worse. I increase the dosage and by late evening, my JiaHor consumption was 15 capsules on that day. About couple of hours before I hit bed, my breathing was normal. I could inhale deeply and no wheezing at all. Alhamdulillah… 

Long-term of LingZhi consumption can definitely prevent diseases to build-up in your body and could cure/reverse current disease you’re suffering…insya Allah. J

1Back when I was 12 years old, I suffered from a very bad headache almost every day for about a year

2I used to have a bad allergy towards fish when I was <8 style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;"> keropok ikan, fishcake, even those tiny anchovies! No-no. The only F-food I could consume at that time was Bawal Putih fish. Maybe because it’s pricey. (my high-taste preference showed at an early young age, huh ;P)
3I have a history of asthma when I was much younger. The worst asthma attach when I was 16-17 years old. EVERYTIME I have a cough, I will definitely get shortness of breath at night, wheezing. Usually I have to spend few nights sitting body straight-up on sofa, not sleeping, in my living room, where it’s a larger space compared to my bedroom so that I can get air to breathe easily.