It's raining outside. Alhamdulillah, today is the 6th day of Ramadhan. On the 3rd Ramadhan, one of my cats, Laddu did not return home. It is very unusual as she will be the one to greet us at the door, the one to say goodbye, the one to say hello by the window. Yes, she is loud. But on that day, she was nowhere to be seen. I realized there were drops of blood in front of the porch on the day she didn't come home. I felt something different. On the 2nd day she was missing, I knew that she's no longer around. I pray for her soul in peace and regret for not being able to play with her more. But what more to regret, we just didn't see it coming. Only frustrated that we don't know what's happened to her, and what was she bleeding of. Innalillahi wainnalillahi rajiun.
Last week, I conducted 2 separate OPPs with one of my students. She dragged along few friends and everything went well. The best part was of course, the Shiatsu! The first day, all 4 girls showed different symptoms. A had the worst one, I could say. She's been suffering from a bad period cramp for years, and it shows while I was doing Shiatsu on her. Unfortunately, I did not take photo of her after result, but I took one on the next day, when I did to one of her friends, who's suffering from menstruation cycle problem too.

The picture on the left shows her left arm. As you can see, there are many red spots showing that there are blockages caused by blood clots in her ovary. While on her right hand, there are more blue black bruises, indicating blockages caused by bad gas. This girl has not been having normal cycle of menstruation. She sometimes skipped a month or 2, and the cramp would be bad too. But for all cases, normally their digestive systems are not working properly, thus all the other systems are affected. Like I've mentioned in previous posts, constipation is the start of most diseases. So act now!
It is important for youngsters to understand what's going on in their own body. I too, was not aware of my body health condition when I was at a younger age, but realized that there's something need to be done when I've started to attend health talks and seminars weekly. After experiencing such improved result in my body, I start sharing with others how good it feels to be healthier than yesterday, and we should be thankful for having a good health by taking care each of the organs in our body. Remember, the best doctor for you is your own immune system! Take good care of it. Nourish it. Insya Allah, you'll be healthier tomorrow!
Do you know what's happening in your body right now?
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