Here is a newspaper cutting from Selangor Times (18-20 February 2011). Apparently, the person written on the article is one of Ustazah Siti's downlines. She shared a little bit of her experience dealing with breast cancer while consuming Shuang Hor's products.

Around 1 in 20 Malaysian women has a risk of getting breast cancer. All women above the age of 20 are at risk, but the risk increases with age.
- Family history - Women who have family member(s) who has breast cancer are at higher risk
- Early menstruation (before the age of 12) or late menopause (after the age of 50)
- Never having a full-time pregnancy or giving birth after the age of 30
- Not having breastfed
- A diet high in fat and low in fibre
- Obesity in post-menopausal years
- Excessive alcohol consumptions
Despite what some people believe, tight-fitting or underwire bra does not cause breast cancer, neither do the fondling of breasts.

Breast cancer is curable (insya Allah) and there are methods of early detections. Women below 35 are advised to do a breast-self examination every month. For women above 35, breast examination by a doctor every year is recommended. But the best method to detect breast cancer before any lumps can be felt is via mammogram.
By consuming Lingzhi, early detection is possible too. The only bonus is, unlike normal examination done by the doctors, 'scanning' for symptoms by consuming Lingzhi will (at the same time) help to start curing the disease. Some people say it's expensive to be healthy -- the thought of need to consume Lingzhi in a very high dose at first. But hey, try to fall sick, and let me know if it's cheap!
**Source taken from Selangor Times (18-20 February 2011)
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