Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How do cancer cells grow?

1) Acidic Body
normal pH(potential of hydrogen) body is 7.35-7.45
<7.35-acidic body . cancer cells will only grow in an acidic body

2) Toxin accumulation
major contribution is from the food we eat. make sure to choose your food intake well. with the lifestyle most people live now, toxins can't be avoided eg coking oil, perfumes, room spray

3) Lack of oxygen
consuming process food use up a lot of oxygen during digestion. lack of exercise take a moment to breathe in/out deep

4) Low Immunity

How Yung Kien Ganoderma can help to prevent cancer:

1) neutralize pH body
2) detoxify up to cellular level
3) lingzhi is research proved to increase oxygen level by 1.5x
4) strengthen immune system (accredited by Taiwan's ministry of health)

**Article submitted by Ms Iris. Thank you. :)

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