Sunday, June 30, 2013

Shopping Raya?

Ramadhan is near and this year will mark the first time we're gonna enjoy our Ramadhan at our own place. Yerp, we've moved out from our very comfy lifestyle (yes, mom's place is always the most comfy ^_^), to a simple and petite home on this 7th floor. Very windy. Fast drying laundry everytime. I won't be complaining much. :) We have briefly planned how's our budget preparation ... of not going to spend too much on unnecessary expenses ... such as 'bazaar Ramadhan'. Well, home-cooked meal is always the best and we never fancy those rainbow-coloured drinks (or food). Maybe once in a while I would still be craving that putu bambu. Need to have it at least once a year. Nyumm.

We've also done our baju Raya shopping yesterday. Naema was being super behave even without a stroller/carrier ... till she fall asleep on my lap while we're eating Kyros Kebab. That's after about 3 hours of non-stop walking around in PKNS Shah Alam. And that gave me a good cramp on my feet because Mr Boss went to search for his baju Melayu for God knows how long! If you think shop for ladies' is difficult. Think again! But Alhamdulillah, at the end of the day, we managed to buy one pair each, with the same colour theme and I've got matching scarf too. Naema can wear her last year's baju Raya which has the same colour. Yeay.

But we still need to hit the tailor for the 3 big events this year. Projects are still on-going and now besides replying to my online customers' inquiries & orders, I now need to find new items to prepare the wedding preparation for dearest brother, brother in law and +Irna Izura

Haze is clear now, Alhamdulillah. Mom told me the rain during that haze left some green stain in the water. That's how hazardous the air was! Still, we need to drink plenty of water & always take care of our own health. Oh well, glad that we can now breath normally and hang laundry out to crispy-dry. Naema's nose has also cleared. No more green mucus coming out after each sneeze. Huhu. Pity little baby. Never complaint even when she's at her low point of health. Always play play play. That's how we should live our life. No complaints, just play!

Right? ;)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Indeks Pencemaran Udara harini tak banyak peningkatan dari pagi (198) hingga malam (196). In Puchong, we can still smell the smoky air, and vision is still very blur. Nak jemur baju serba salah. Kalau tak jemur, tak kering. Kalau jemur, bau asap. And for some of us yang takde cooking hood, kena pilih sama ada nak bukak tingkap bagi bau masakan keluar tapi jerebu masuk, or biar tingkap tutup, kasik satu rumah bau ikan kering. Yes. Decisions. 

Apa-apa pun, apelah yang mampu kita buat. Mengeluh? C'mon. There are many more world matters need to be solved. Jangan lupa ini semua salah satu ujian kecil. Nak tengok kita sebagai hamba Allah yang kerdil ni reti mensyukuri nikmat Allah tak. Janganlah asyik pandang pada jarak 2m yang kabur tu. Pandanglah pada perkara2 yang jelas depan mata. 

Dari aspek lain yang mampu kite buat, minum air masak as much as possible. 1 gelas every hour, ade berani? Paling2 pun keluar masuk toilet 18 kali sehari. I guarantee nothing worse could happen with that amount of liquid in and out of your body. It's all about flushing those hazardous chemicals from our system and ape lagi agen pembersih yang senang nak dapat & gerenti berkesan (insyaAllah)? -- AIR

Stay indoor sekerap yang boleh. Dan kalau perlu keluar pun, please put your facemasks on. Sangat tak cool keluar rumah dengan makeup tebal sambil hirup bau asap, ok! 

Nak pakai facemask ni pun boleh. Tapi bukan outdoor la yer. Kalau tak, melekat la segala habuk jerebu tu celah2 timun & claymask tu.

Photo by

Ha ni contoh terbaik oleh pasangan pengantin. Kahwin, kahwin jugak. Kesihatan kena jaga. Yerlah, lepas ni nak pergi honeymoon, takot demam pulak.

Tapi kalau sesape yang isap rokok tu, tak payahla nak mengada2 pakai mask. Musim jerebu ni, sedut asap rokok lebih sikit sebab at least, kat tempat penyedut tu ade 'filter'.

Uhuk uhuk.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Baby batuk & selesema

Was having a normal conversation with my cousin last week, on WhatsApp. She mentioned about her 9-months-old baby girl, just recovered from regular fever. Below is our conversation :

"...demam nak tumbuh gigi kot. Masa hari pertama demam lap kain je. Masa tu tak terpikir nak bagi Nutritab. Pastu gi klinik sebab dah 39°C, takut kena sawan. Tapi takdelah sampai bagi ubat punggung tu. Cuba bagi ubat klinik dalam 2ml. Sekali je bagi pastu tak bagi dah. Esoknya demam dah surut. Tinggal selsema + batuk + kahak. Baru teringat kat Nutritab. Try blend sekali dengan bubur dia. 2 hari bagi. Masa tu tak sempat nak tanya Aiya lagi, dah panik. Huhu, boleh kan bagi Nutritab kat baby?"
"Pastu dia asyik kentut² je macam sakit perut pulak. Semalam tak berak, tapi selesema macam dah kurang."

"...Nutritab boleh bagi kat baby. Kentut² tu bagus. Kalau tak kentut, baru dia kembung perut. Mungkin reaction...sebab tu dia tak berak / kentut banyak awal² makan Nutritab. Elok teruskan aje"

"Kentut busukkk sangat pulak tu. Banyak kali cek pampers dia ingatkan berak. Tak berak jugak. Haha. Nanti kang makan tengah hari blend lagi. Tapi dia makan lambat je. Tak sedap sikit, haha. Harap² lah harini dia berak, nanti kang ayah dia bising² pulak bagi bukan² tapi tak berak². Tak sabar nak tunggu dia berak ni. Huhuhu..."

"Kentut busuk sebab dia tak berak kan? So lagi kena suruh dia kentut. Kalau tak, gas busuk tu dok dalam badan. Lagipun, memang awal² orang makan lingzhi, kentut & berak busuk sangat! Sebab dalam perut , yang kotor² tu nak keluar. Bagus tau!" 
**Ada kes, cancer patient dalam ICU, lepas makan lingzhi, berak busuk sangat sampai nurses kena spray air-freshener 1 wad!**
"Kalau dari kecik dah bersih, insya Allah lebih senang nak jaga nanti. Naema dulu masa awal² makan lingzhi, dia berak macam ada black pepper. Bintik² hitam keluar. "
"Just bagi air & susu banyak"

"Ni first time try bagi Nutritab sebab tak confident nak bagi ubat klinik. Ubat tu untuk turunkan suhu je. Bukan baikkan dia. Lagipun, dia dah 5 bulan tak pernah demam. So tak standby apa² untuk dia. Last demam umur 3 bulan. Sekarang dah 9 bulan..."

"...biasalah tu demam nak tumbuh gigi. Takpe, kalau demam lagi, letak tuala basah kat kepala sentiasa bagi temperature tak panas sangat. "
"Lagipun, kalau temperature naik, maknanya badan tengah bina antibodi (senjata) nak lawan virus (musuh). So bagus tau. Tapi nak kena jaga jangan bagi panas sangat. Letak towel basah. Bagi minum air"

And so, that was the earlier conversation with her. Sorry, there were a lot mentioning about the b-word & k-word... tapi itulah hakikatnya. Nak monitor kesihatan badan, mesti check ... you know the words - kentut & berak**Err, excuse me. Ehem** And a day after, she texted :

"Salam. Nak citer. Malam tadi kul 8 Hana berak. Bau dia ... masya Allah. Nak pengsan! Haha. Selama ni best je blend bubur dia dengan Nutritab tapi tak rasa. Tadi try, pahitnya! Patutla terkulat2 dia makan. Huhu Alhamdulillah, selesema dah kurang sikit tapi masih ada lagi. Hidung masih tersumbat lagi. Insya Allah akan bagi dia makan Nutritab sampai dah tak selesema. Amin"

"W'salam warahmatullah. Alhamdulillah... Haa kan dah cakap! Hihihi. Good². Berak hitam ke? Biar ajar die makan pahit² nanti esok² senang nak bagi lagi. ^_^"

"Tak hitam. Kuning pekat"

On 13th June 2013, she texted again :

"Salam. Aiya...hari ke-7 makan Nutritab barulah Hana berak kaler hitam. Sebelum² ni kuning macam biasa. Sehari makan sebijik Nutritab. Batuk selesema masih ada lagi, tapi makin berkurangan :)"

Alhamdulillah. The moment she mentioned about 'berak hitam' (or should I call it 'black-berry' from now on :D ), lega rasanya. Memang seronok dengar orang dapat keluarkan kotoran yang dah mula bertepek dalam badan. And I just felt like, Superman saves another day. ^_^

Baby Hana, another 'Lingzhi baby' <3
Sorry, but if you feel disgusted reading the above story, you better scrape off all the dirts in your body now. If you haven't got the 'blackberries' in that toilet bowl. Trust me, they are still in you. Ewwww! 


Have any health doubts? Ask me now : suraya.shahdan [at] :)