Friday, December 13, 2013

Congenital Nephrosis

A 2 MONTHS OLD boy was diagnosed with Congenital Nephrosis in 2000. Both kidneys were only 10% functional at that time. Urea & creatine levels were much higher than normal :

Urea level - 22.5mmol/l
Creatine level - 203.3mmol/l

Early symptoms :
1) very serious diarrhoea
2) frequent vomiting
3) poor appetite
4) weight loss
5) weak. sleep interrupted every 10mins

At this stage, doctor recommended DIALYSIS. 

The parents refused to proceed with doctor's recommendation. So the boy started consuming Shuang Hor's products in May 2000.

He started with :
18 Lingzhi, 36 Pollen, 4 Soy Protein & Luchun Tea

Early reactions after taking SH products : Constipation & very very stinky stool

Positive reactions after taking SH products :
1) diarrhoea & vomiting reduced
2) constipation improved
3) appetite improved
4) weight increased (3.7kg - 9kg)

In March 2001, he went for medical checkup, Urea & Creatine level were very much improved :

Urea level - 10.2mmol/l
Creatine level - 57mmol/l

Dosage was maintained with :
2 Lingzhi, 6 Pollen, 2 Soy Protein, Luchun Tea

**Note : Other than those mentioned above, early symptoms can be discovered by observing puffiness in certain parts of the body (face/feet/hands/tummy) due to kidney failure which cause water retention. 

*Source taken from the book "Lingzhi Testimonies - Handbook 2001". Please leave a comment if you wish to get a copy of this book.