A place to share about our family living a healthy life and doing the things we love. Because we believe success is health, wealth and time to live your dream. ♥
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Resipi kesihatan mudah di bulan Ramadhan!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
How do cancer cells grow?
normal pH(potential of hydrogen) body is 7.35-7.45
<7.35-acidic body . cancer cells will only grow in an acidic body
Early Symptoms of Cancer
Most people thought cancer can only be detected when it is already at terminal stage. But actually, there are early symptoms of cancer.
easily tired / weak
body can't re-energize quickly
*it is better to rest when feeling tired rather than force your body to work
toxin starts to accumulate inside the body
* flu is actually a way of detoxify but mostly people will put down the process by taking medicine and results increasing the accumulation of toxins. Drinking lots of water will help the process of detoxify
too much toxins has accumulated and the body is looking for other ways to wash off toxins out from system eg through skin
all diseases end with 'itis' eg gingivitis, hepatitis show that body starts to inflame
eg gastric ulcer, mouth ulcer
the process where the body try to isolate the damage cells. This isolated group of cells is called tumour. At this point, doc will do a biopsy
process where body force the tumour to become cancerous
Observe the changes of your body. Eat healthy and live well. InsyaAllah everything will be good :)
**Article submitted by Ms Iris. Thank you! :)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Safety Assured Products
Friday, May 27, 2011
CANCER : Chapter 1
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Dealing with Cancer

- Family history - Women who have family member(s) who has breast cancer are at higher risk
- Early menstruation (before the age of 12) or late menopause (after the age of 50)
- Never having a full-time pregnancy or giving birth after the age of 30
- Not having breastfed
- A diet high in fat and low in fibre
- Obesity in post-menopausal years
- Excessive alcohol consumptions

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Check your labels!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Shuang Hor Lingzhi : Greenhouse Farm
Friday, April 15, 2011
Cloth diapers : Care
- An enzyme formulation that is highly biodegradable, does not pose any health concern, contributes to environmental protection, and gets rid of stubborn stains effectively;
- Suitable for all washable clothing, including premium quality garments, underclothes, and baby wear. After laundry, the clothing would give a soft and smooth touch and do not get wrinkled, entangled, or hardened;
- Sets you free from the worry of residual traces of chemicals and does not harm your hands or cause skin allergies. Imparts your clothing with a natural, refreshing scent after laundry;
- A concentrated and efficient liquid detergent that needs only one-third the amount of a normal detergent, produces low suds, and is easier to be rinsed. Comparatively, its use brings the benefits of saving water, time, and power consumption;
- Conforms to the regulations of Eco Friendly Label, totally free from contents that are harmful to the human body and environment. These include phosphorus, optical brighteners, and bleaching agents;
- It also contains Anti-redeposition Cellulose, which immediately envelops or wraps up the dirt dislodged during the process of laundry to prevent secondary contamination of the washed clothing.
- Besides with the dirt being broken down into smaller clusters by the enzymes, the clothing becomes readily to be rinsed clean with ease, hence doing away with the need for a softener. As such, GoEco Bio Enzyme Liquid Detergent is your answer to ensuring that your clothing always stay as clean as new.
- An enzyme formulation that is highly biodegradable. Capable of thoroughly breaking down the oily film on the tableware and kitchen as well as the flooring.
- It features low suds and no residual traces, leaving the surfaces squeaky clean after washing;
- Highly concentrated formulation that needs only a small amount to generate economical cleaning results;
- It is free from any harmful solvents and hence does not harm your hands, the utensils, or the surfaces of any material, making it safe and environmental friendly;
- The sponge, rag, and washing basin do not become oily and can be rinsed clean with ease after use.
- As the breaking down is effected by enzymatic actions, it helps dislodge the oily stains that have built up in the draining pipes to reduce problems associated with blockage, keeping your kitchen and household environment clean and hygienic at all times.
Cloth diapers
"Go Planet!"
"By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!"
"You'll pay for this Captain Planet!"
"The Power is Yours!"
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Cheap facial spa
- VCare Facial Cleanser
- VCare Makeup Remover
- VCare Exfoliating Gel
- VCare Facial Toner
- Mask tissue
- VCare Facial Cleanser + VCare Makeup Remover : Squeeze out Facial Cleanser and Makeup Remover (about 20cent-sized each) on your wet palm and work into rich lather. Makeup Remover is essential in cleansing routine as it is not necessarily for people who wears makeups, but specifically to get rid of oil and dirt trapped in the skin from the whole day activity. Massage the rich lather onto face and work from forehead down to your neck in outward circular motion. Rinse with clean water and pat dry.
- VCare Exfoliating Gel : Make sure your skin is completely dry. Squeeze a small amount of Exfoliating Gel on the skin and massage slowly in outward circular motion. Similarly, work from forehead down to your neck. Notice that as you massage your skin, dead skin cells will start to appear. Continue until flakes of dead cells drop off from your face. Rinse with clean water and pat dry.
- VCare Facial Toner + Mask tissue : Use a plain face-sized tissue (can get from local pharmacy) and fold it into a small size. Apply a generous amount of Facial Toner on the folded tissue until it is damped. Unfold the tissue and apply it on your skin. Make sure to release air bubbles so that the tissue is directly contacted with skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes and remove slowly.
Friday, March 18, 2011
The Cure : Heal your body, save your life

This book was recommended to read by Diamond Norliza during our last few meetings at her house. The Cure was written by Dr Timothy Brantley, who was inspired by the poor results of western medications towards the illness of his parents. His mom suffered many years with breast cancer before she passed away when he felt relieved with her death, as his mom once told him, "No one should suffer like this". I personally haven't got the book for myself but I found some words from the book that could give us the idea why we should seek for the alternative.
Taken from the last chapter of The Cure…
Imagine living in a healthy and vibrant body, feeling great every day of your life. What if I told you this is not a fantasy? The truth is that you already live in a body designed for balance and optimal health.
Your body knows only one thing for sure – how to balance, heal and restore itself – if you allow it to do so. Balance equals optimal health, and the body was designed to constant return to balance and health because diseases cannot live in a healthy body.
Few basic points highlighted by Dr Timothy includes :
- Follow the rules and laws of Creation – the only real authority ; Solat & du'a for the muslims.
- Live according to Creation and remember that prevention is the key ; Start now.
- Always keep the idea of balance in the forefront of your mind ; Be moderate in life.
- Understand what you have learned and why it works
- Ask questions when you don't understand, and don't stop until you get an answer ; Be curious. After all, it's about your own body.
- Take responsibility for your actions and what you put in your mouth ; You are what you eat, breath and do.
- Don't wait until you're in trouble to take action ; Prevention is everything.
- You are your best health insurance policy ; Enough said.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Toothpaste : Real facts
- Our pipe contains only LESS THAN ONE part per million of flouride.
- Flouride : Most normal adult toothpastes contain about 1500 parts per million of flouride. Flouride is a poison used to kill rats and insects. Excessive flouride ingestion causes dental fluorosis, affects our brain, bones and other organs.
- Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) : Adult toothpaste also contains SLS (also available in most commercial shampoos, body shower and other cleansing products), a detergent and a foam booster. It can cause canker sores (mouth ulcers) as it dries out the protective mucus lining in the mouth.
- Sodium Saccharin : Adult toothpaste also contains Sodium Saccharin. Saccharin is an artificial sweetener synthesized from coal tar. It causes bladder cancer in male rats.
- Nano-Ganoderma Lucidum : Triterpenoids in Ganoderma are capable of subduing the production of glucan by Strettococcus Mutans, hence contributing to preventing dental plaque and tooth decay. On the other hand, it also contains polysaccharides which are notable in enhancing blood circulation in the gum tissues, apart from revitalizing the tissues of mucus membrane in the mouth cavity.
- Aloe Barbadensis : As Aloe has an exceptional ability in repairing the outer skin of the gums, exterminating bacteria, and preventing the formation of dental calculus (tartar), it is remarkable in maintaining the hygienic condition of the mouth cavity.
- Xylitol : Featuring a low caloric content and a refreshing flavour, Xylitol does not readily become fermented in the presence of micro-organism to produce acidic substances. With its amazing capability in subduing the proliferation of Streptococcus Mutatis, it makes an ideal ingredient for effective prevention of tooth decay.
- Chlorophyllin : It helps prevent gum bleeding and bad breath. It is also capable of breaking down the food debris stuck in the crevices between adjacent teeth to help restore the hygienic condition of the mouth cavity and relieve sensitive gums.
- Natural Gel : A natural translucent gel is incorporated to effectively reduce friction and avoid damage done to the enamel during brushing.
- Foaming Agent : The foaming agent used is extracted from coconut and corn. Natural in origin, mild in action, safe for consumption, and does not produce any toxic, it plays a remarkable rolde in subduing bacteria and preventing tooth decay.
- Natural menthol or peppermint is added to keep the mouth cavity fresh without introducing any irritation, making it a perfect choice for all your family members, young and old alike.

Thursday, March 3, 2011
A hope
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Shiatsu - Brain ( top part)
Thursday, February 24, 2011