Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Resipi kesihatan mudah di bulan Ramadhan!

Tinggal beberapa minggu sahaja lagi umat Islam akan berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan. Berpuasa bukan sahaja diamalkan oleh umat Islam, tetapi agama lain juga menyarankan pengikutnya untuk berpuasa untuk menyucikan diri.

"Seluruh pakar perubatan telah bersetuju bahawa kantung perut yang penuh disebabkan banyak makan adalah punca utama kepada bermacam-macam penyakit terutamanya kegendutan yang menyebabkan timbulnya sub penyakit lain. Maka, puasa adalah satu-satunya cara yang dapat memelihara anggota badan daripada semua penyakit kerana melaluinya unsur-unsur racun di dalam makanan dapat dineutralkan setelah berpadu di antara satu sama lain. Dalam bidang perubatan, kesan lapar adalah lebih baik daripada penggunaan ubat secara berterusan. Manusia digalakkan berpuasa walaupun tidak menghadapi sebarang penyakit. Ini kerana ia dapat membersihkan badan dari racun-racun yang berkumpul di dalamnya.
Banyak kajian perubatan mengaitkan berpuasa dengan memberi peluang organ-organ di dalam sistem badan (terutamanya sistem pencernaan/penghadaman) untuk berehat. Jadi, berpuasa adalah jalan terbaik bagi memulihkannya kerana dengannya wujud satu sistem baru dalam badan yang bertindak mematikan sel-sel lama / toksin untuk digantikan dengan sel-sel baru yang lebih baik dan bertenaga." - Disertasi, Kebaikan Berpuasa 07

Lingzhi sememangnya sudah dikenali dengan keistimewaannya untuk menyahtoksin hingga ke peringkat sel. Jadi, puasa adalah masa yang paling sesuai untuk seseorang yang betul-betul ingin mencuci dan menguatkan sistem dalam badan dan mengambil Lingzhi. Di sini, disertakan resipi yang lazat dan menarik untuk dicuba :)

Resipi I
1 paket Vita King
2 paket Jia Hor Hi Fibre
3 paket Jia Hor Soya Protein
4 paket Yung Kien Pollen (granular)
Air sejuk / susu / jus buah-buahan
Cara-caranya :

Semua bahan digoncang sekali dan minum serta merta. Baik jika diminum ketika sahur. Campuran air ini akan memberi rasa kenyang dan segar (tidak menggigil) sepanjang hari.
Vitaking dan Pollen akan memberi tenaga sepanjang hari untuk bekerja. Hi Fibre berfungsi untuk mencuci usus. Juga mengandungi Lingzhi yang membantu penyaktoksinan badan. Soya Protein pula untuk membantu pembentukan sel-sel baru.

Mudah dan tidak mengambil masa yang lama untuk disediakan. Tidak perlulah untuk bangun awal pagi untuk masak ketika sahur :P Campuran ini juga sangat disyorkan kepada sesiapa yang ingin mempunyai bentuk badan yang ideal / menurunkan berat badan :)

Resipi II
2 paket Jia Hor Hi Fibre
2 paket Jia Hor Soya Protein
1 biji pisang
Ais / aiskrim vanila (untuk lebih sedap)
Cara-caranya :

'Blend' semua bahan dan minum! Kanak-kanak juga akan menggemari resipi ini. Sesuai untuk sahur dan berbuka.

Resipi III
1 paket CEO 3 in 1
1 paket CEO 4 in 1
2 paket Jia Hor Soya Protein
Cara-caranya :

Larutkan 2 peket CEO Cafe terlebih dahulu dengan air panas. Goncang 2 peket Protein bersama air sejuk. Setelah campuran CEO Cafe menjadi suam, tuangkan protein kedalam CEO.

** Protein haruslah dilarutkan dengan air suam/ sejuk untuk tidak membunuh enzim didalamnya. Minuman ini sangat memberi tenaga sepanjang hari dan membantu terutamanya pesakit gastrik.

Resepi IV
2 paket CEO Cafe (3 in 1 / 4 in 1)
Cara-caranya :

Bancuh dalam 1 cawan dan minum. Boleh diminum panas atau sejuk.

CEO Cafe boleh memberi kesegaran untuk memulakan hari dan memberi tenaga sepanjang hari. Ia mengandungi Yung Kien Ganoderma untuk membantu proses penyahtosikan badan yang lebih efektif.

Selain itu, sudah tentu resipi-resipi ini boleh dicuba juga selain daripada bulan puasa. Apa kata mulakan sekarang?Selamat mencuba! :)

**Informasi tambahan: Greenzhi Toothgel sangat membantu untuk mengelakkan nafas / mulut berbau :)
Digunakan sebagai ubat gigi biasa ketika membersihkan gigi. Jika masalah mulut berbau masih tidak dapat diatasi, telan 1-2 inci gel Greenzhi untuk pembersihan dari dalam. (Terutama untuk orang yang mengalami resdung / mempunyai banyak lendir di dalam tekak). Jangan risau, ianya selamat untuk dimakan serta telah mendapat pengiktirafan Halal dari JAKIM.

**Sumber artikel dari Ms Iris. Terima kasih. :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How do cancer cells grow?

1) Acidic Body
normal pH(potential of hydrogen) body is 7.35-7.45
<7.35-acidic body . cancer cells will only grow in an acidic body

2) Toxin accumulation
major contribution is from the food we eat. make sure to choose your food intake well. with the lifestyle most people live now, toxins can't be avoided eg coking oil, perfumes, room spray

3) Lack of oxygen
consuming process food use up a lot of oxygen during digestion. lack of exercise take a moment to breathe in/out deep

4) Low Immunity

How Yung Kien Ganoderma can help to prevent cancer:

1) neutralize pH body
2) detoxify up to cellular level
3) lingzhi is research proved to increase oxygen level by 1.5x
4) strengthen immune system (accredited by Taiwan's ministry of health)

**Article submitted by Ms Iris. Thank you. :)

Early Symptoms of Cancer

Something learned from previous class on cancer. Good info :)

Most people thought cancer can only be detected when it is already at terminal stage. But actually, there are early symptoms of cancer.

easily tired / weak
body can't re-energize quickly
*it is better to rest when feeling tired rather than force your body to work

toxin starts to accumulate inside the body
* flu is actually a way of detoxify but mostly people will put down the process by taking medicine and results increasing the accumulation of toxins. Drinking lots of water will help the process of detoxify

too much toxins has accumulated and the body is looking for other ways to wash off toxins out from system eg through skin

all diseases end with 'itis' eg gingivitis, hepatitis show that body starts to inflame

eg gastric ulcer, mouth ulcer

the process where the body try to isolate the damage cells. This isolated group of cells is called tumour. At this point, doc will do a biopsy

process where body force the tumour to become cancerous

Observe the changes of your body. Eat healthy and live well. InsyaAllah everything will be good :)

**Article submitted by Ms Iris. Thank you! :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Safety Assured Products

Shuang Hor hereby declares that all its health-care products are free from DEHP and safe for consumption.

Yung Kien Factory, a professional manufacturer of the comprehensive range of health-care products exclusively marketed by Shuang Hor Group's of companies, uses only raw ingredients that are subject to the most stringent screening procedures and processed to meet the highest benchmark in product quality, thus ensuring conformity to regulations on consumer health and safety. As our products do not contain DEHP, or Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, they are absolutely safe for long-term consumption.

For more information on the safety aspects of Shuang Hor products, please log on to Double Crane website.

Source taken from

Friday, May 27, 2011

CANCER : Chapter 1


"Could you please save my father's life?"

Isabel's plead for help repeated itself in my mind. The diagnosis of Isabel's father, Mr M ..., was not new to me - CANCER ... 6 months left ... NO HOPE of recovery.

It was a rainy April afternoon when Mr M's daughter came to my office. She was having a difficult time speaking, and I was having difficulty understanding her story. According to the doctors, Isabel's father was given ONLY 6 MONTHS to live and in reality she felt as if he had already passed away. After listening to her tearful story, I asked for an explanation of her father's condition in detail.

"It was only months ago that he began having difficulty relieving himself. He was in a lot of pain, but being a stubborn man, he refused to see a doctor and endured the pain. Eventually, it reached a point where he could no longer eliminate, and was finally hospitalized."

"Did he go through any type of check up?" I asked.

"According to the doctors, he had an advanced stage of cancer which had spread to the urinary bladder, rectum and liver. They refused to operate and gave him only 6 months to live."

The tears began once again to flow down the face of this lovely young lady. I knew that the doctors had opened up Mr M, but immediately closed the incision, giving up on the hope of further operations. I then asked if he was placed on medication, intravenous injections or treatment.

"No, they don't give him anything besides pain killers, since he is in terrible pain."

Although the patient himself has not been told that he has cancer, it appears judging from circumstances, that he is suspicious of the father. Mr M is only 57 years old, with many good times ahead of him.

I then made a bold but confident statement. "With a proper nutritional treatment, he will surely get well."

Isabel looked slightly puzzled. "The doctors said he is incurable, but we'll do anything if you believe there is any chance of recovery."

I found a slight glimpse of hope in her eyes, which were swollen from weeping and sleepless nights.

"He will surely get well." I repeated. "So let's not mess up your pretty face with tears, huh?"

As she gestured with a smile, I knew that the 1st step was successful.

Many people have a tremendous fear of cancer. They believe it is incurable and once diagnosed, the situation is usually hopeless. This mental condition can often be worse than the cancer itself. The first step in cancer treatment is to believe that 'CANCER CAN BE CURED.'

Please remember this : it is very important.

Judging from the fact that I made her smile, I could be sure that she would be able to mentally overcome her father's cancer.

"How should we go about it?"

"Give him plenty of oxygen and the 46 essential nutrients as much as possible."

Medicine and injections are not necessary at all to cure degenerative disease (these are also called 'adult diseases' or 'chronic diseases'). There is really nothing others can do. It is the patient who can cure his own disease. All we have to do is heighten the patient's capacity through naturopathy or 'natural cure strength'.

In natural cure strength, we consider health at the cellular level. This treatment elevates the cellular metabolism by giving cells a generous supply of oxygen and nutrients. By doing this we can cure degenerative disease. In order then to cure degenerative diseases, you need an accurate knowledge of what is the cause. Without the correct knowledge and firm faith, you cannot overcome degenerative diseases. You have no alternative but to rely on others.

Before I describe in detail how Mr M was informed of his illness and the treatment that followed, let me introduce the results.

Mr M left the hospital 2 months after was initially admitted, and continued as an outpatient with weekly visits. 3 months later, to the surprise of his doctor, the tumor was greatly diminished, and 4 months later had disappeared completely. It is an incredible occurence that a cancer patient with advanced stages was cured in such a short amount of time. However, this orthomolecular treatment has produced many similar cases of total recovery.

One of the very important factors in the case of Mr M that produced a rapid recovery was the fact that he was not given any prescribed drugs. His doctors began giving him anticancer drugs as internal medicine, although they really felt the medication was useless.

I had informed Isabel of the side effects, so she simply dumped out the drugs while reporting to the doctors that her father was 'taking' them regularly, although he didn't take a single dose.

After his recovery, the medical doctors reported that the 'anticancer drugs' were both INCREDIBLE & MIRACULOUS. Little did they know that it was not the drugs that did all the 'magic'... :)

**Source taken from Book : A NATURAL CURE FOR CANCER - GERMANIUM (How to Knock Out Viral Diseases from AIDS to Z) by Yoshio Niva, PhD & Dr Anon

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dealing with Cancer

Here is a newspaper cutting from Selangor Times (18-20 February 2011). Apparently, the person written on the article is one of Ustazah Siti's downlines. She shared a little bit of her experience dealing with breast cancer while consuming Shuang Hor's products.


Around 1 in 20 Malaysian women has a risk of getting breast cancer. All women above the age of 20 are at risk, but the risk increases with age.

  • Family history - Women who have family member(s) who has breast cancer are at higher risk
  • Early menstruation (before the age of 12) or late menopause (after the age of 50)
  • Never having a full-time pregnancy or giving birth after the age of 30
  • Not having breastfed
  • A diet high in fat and low in fibre
  • Obesity in post-menopausal years
  • Excessive alcohol consumptions

Despite what some people believe, tight-fitting or underwire bra does not cause breast cancer, neither do the fondling of breasts.

Breast cancer is curable (insya Allah) and there are methods of early detections. Women below 35 are advised to do a breast-self examination every month. For women above 35, breast examination by a doctor every year is recommended. But the best method to detect breast cancer before any lumps can be felt is via mammogram.

By consuming Lingzhi, early detection is possible too. The only bonus is, unlike normal examination done by the doctors, 'scanning' for symptoms by consuming Lingzhi will (at the same time) help to start curing the disease. Some people say it's expensive to be healthy -- the thought of need to consume Lingzhi in a very high dose at first. But hey, try to fall sick, and let me know if it's cheap!

**Source taken from Selangor Times (18-20 February 2011)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Check your labels!

Now that the new VCare generation has been launched, everyone is so eager to know about the new range. And more reasons to convert our daily personal care products to the refreshing 'green' series! Why should we stash away our current shampoos, toothpaste, shower gel and facial wash (if it's not already VCare!)? WHY NOT?

The brand new Greenzhi may look like a normal toothpaste but it has more functions than you can imagine. That is why it is labeled as 'toothgel' instead. Ever heard of any toothpaste that can be swallowed (on purpose-especially for sore throat)? This is because it is calcium- & flouride- free. Also, doubt-no-more, as the new Greenzhi is now certified Halal by JAKIM. Now with Neem extract, you can say goodbye to yellow teeth, bleeding gums and bad breath. And with Aloe Barbadensis, it's no wonder why Greenzhi is the best 'paste' to be applied on open wounds (stop the bleeding almost instantly) / burns (no more blister) for rapid healing!

-- From my personal experience, I've received great comments from my dentist for not having any cavities/damages on any of my teeth through out my pregnancy so far (am entering 3rd trimester now, Alhamdulillah). It also worked well on my ulcers/skin burns and recent wound (hurt myself which ripped slight of my skin-nyummy). It's all-healed now! :) --


All TV commercials on hair-care products seem to share the intention of selling the consumers one same point : "Your tresses will become smooth and feel soft after using". Have you ever wondered what does this imply? The answer is : the inclusion of a special type of silicone called Dimethicone.

Why is Dimethicone needed in a hair-care product? This is because when Dimethicone gets in touch with the hair, it will fill up the gaps in between the cuticle scales of the hair, hence making the tresses smooth to touch, prompting the user to feel an instant enhancement in the hair texture. Actually, as Dimethicone is not soluble in water, it cannot be completely washed away through shampooing. When layer upon layer of Dimethicone built up over time, they cause the hair-shafts to thicken, leading to the loss of hair resilience and even blockage of the hair follicles in the scalp.

This suffocating effect will eventually bring about the gradual shrinkage of the hair papilla, resulting in problems such as itchiness in the scalp and sequela such as hair thinning and hair loss.

The claims made for body lotions and shower gels on 'retaining moisture' also was actually by having a layer formed by Dimethicone (or other Silicone-based ingredient) on the skin so that water from our body is blocked from coming out. For my Muslim friends, imagine this non-water-soluble film being layered on your skin & hair - How would our Ghusl (mandi wajib) be accepted? Wallahualam.

Fret-no-more as our new VCare series perform deep cleansing for healthier scalp & tresses without the existence of the culprit - Dimethicone!

The pursuit for youthful and healthy complexion is undoubtedly something you and I share in common. Indeed, radiant and dewy-moist skin not only add the plus factor to our demeanour but also makes us look much younger than our actual age.

It goes without saying that the first important step in preserving healthy skin is cleansing. As the exposed parts of our skin are subject to external agitations, they become vulnerable to contamination by the airborne dust, in addition to the burden from our own sweat, excessive sebaceous activities, residual traces of make-up, and the build-up of aged cutin produced as a form metabolic waste. In the event that these contaminants are not thoroughly removed, they will bring about clogging of the pores and the cropping up of such skin problems such as acne, pimples and blackheads. Worse yet, the clogged pores will adversely affect the absorption of nutrients supplied by skincare products, making our efforts to restore a radiant skin even more complex. In other words, in the absence of a good cleansing routine, all other skincare steps to follow will be as good as to no avail. It can thus be seen that taking care of the cleansing and moisturizing aspects are the one and only way to own healthy complexion.

And did I mention that all our skincare and personal care products are 99% natural? This means they are safe for you & even your young ones. Try beat that with any commercial products which can offer the same benefits of the highly technology and researched ingredients! Drop me a message to know more about these products or better still, try them today and feel it for yourself!

-- Note from my better half : "The new Scalpcare Shampoo is truly refreshing - very minty & cooling!" --

**Sourced from Shuang Hor's New VCare booklet.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Shuang Hor Lingzhi : Greenhouse Farm

A quick tour to Double Crane's (Shuang Hor's) very own Lingzhi farm in Taiwan. It's the largest Lingzhi plant in the whole world with the latest technology for the best quality of Lingzhi species cultivated in the Greenhouse Farm.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Cloth diapers : Care

Now you want to try Cloth Diapers (CD). What's next?

We need to know how to care for them. The use of normal liquid detergents is a NO-NO for baby wears. It's because the residual traces from the chemical products on the clothing will cause skin irritation when our body perspire. For babies, this is dangerous as the harmful ingredients may penetrate into the skin and causes chronic diseases such as eczema.

I've encountered two famous CD brands on the web; Grovia and Rumparooz, and surprised with 2 different approaches they are pursuing. Being a curious consumer, I contacted them via e-mail regarding the recommended CD cleaning products.

Grovia, from its website, discourages the use of enzyme cleaners while Rumparooz on the other hand, encourages it. Hurm...

So these were their replies to my inquiry :

From Rumparooz : We highly recommend the use of detergents that contain enzymes

"When caring for your diapers we simply have suggestions and recommendations. I am not familiar with the product that you are using so I can not speak about it specifically. The number 1 thing that is most important when caring for diapers is to make sure that you are using a detergent that has enzymes. Enzymes are natural and biodegradable and they have specific "roles" in cleaning. There are enzymes that break down fats and enzymes that break down proteins and both of these enzymes should be present in your detergent to get the diapers clean. Without them the filth and poop is not cleaned from the diapers."

but here is the reply from Grovia : DO NOT use bleach, enzyme cleaners or fabric softeners

"Thank you for contacting us regarding your interest in our products. We do not recommend the use of enzyme cleaners in cloth diapers for two reasons. First, if the enzymes are not throughly rinsed from the fabric, they can actually work their "magic" on baby's bottom, resulting in irritation and rash. Secondly, repeated use of enzyme cleaners will cause the materials to wear more quickly, as with regular use over time they will also eat away at the cotton soaker pads. Enzyme cleaners do an amazing job of eliminating organic wastes, but if they aren't rinsed throughly they can eat away at both baby and diaper, and therefore we don't recommend their use for diapers. If you do further research on cloth diaper friendly laundry detergents, you will find that those which contain fragrances, dyes, enzymes and optical brighteners do not come highly recommended.

I would be very very cautious with using enzyme cleaner in diapers, they can cause serious rashes as they can eat away at baby's skin, as well as the materials of the diaper. There are several enzyme-free natural detergents that I would highly recommend. Ultimately it is your decision but I do urge you to research alternatives further."

First of all, I would like to thank both Grovia and Rumparooz for replying my inquiry promptly. I appreciate good customer service. And of course I respect both tips and advice. As a consumer, we need to be wise and know why we should or should not use certain products.

In my experience using GoEco Liquid Detergent (LD) and GoEco All Purpose Cleaner (APC), it is definitely the products I would recommend. To Grovia's concern, it is required to rinse the CDs thoroughly using enzyme cleaners as it may cause harm on the baby's skin otherwise. But I noticed after using GoEco Bio Enzyme LD, it is very easy to be rinsed, and does not leave soapy effect on our hands like normal detergents do. (Takde rase licin2 macam lepas pakai sabun biasa yang kena bilas banyak2 kali) So less water consumption and more effective cleaning! Besides, if you are using normal detergents on your baby wears, you actually need to rinse it thoroughly too! Because traces of the ingredients could lead to more severe diseases on the skin, and also internally! Also, Grovia also explained that enzyme cleaners might 'eat out' the cotton diapers. Hurm. I think cheap detergents will do worse cause it is harsh on the material? Erk. I always believe natural ingredient is the safest way to go! What do you say?

Now... what are actually GoEco products?

Formulation : Protease Enzyme, Anti-Redeposition Cellulose, and Complex Super Detergent
  • An enzyme formulation that is highly biodegradable, does not pose any health concern, contributes to environmental protection, and gets rid of stubborn stains effectively;
  • Suitable for all washable clothing, including premium quality garments, underclothes, and baby wear. After laundry, the clothing would give a soft and smooth touch and do not get wrinkled, entangled, or hardened;
  • Sets you free from the worry of residual traces of chemicals and does not harm your hands or cause skin allergies. Imparts your clothing with a natural, refreshing scent after laundry;
  • A concentrated and efficient liquid detergent that needs only one-third the amount of a normal detergent, produces low suds, and is easier to be rinsed. Comparatively, its use brings the benefits of saving water, time, and power consumption;
  • Conforms to the regulations of Eco Friendly Label, totally free from contents that are harmful to the human body and environment. These include phosphorus, optical brighteners, and bleaching agents;
  • It also contains Anti-redeposition Cellulose, which immediately envelops or wraps up the dirt dislodged during the process of laundry to prevent secondary contamination of the washed clothing.
  • Besides with the dirt being broken down into smaller clusters by the enzymes, the clothing becomes readily to be rinsed clean with ease, hence doing away with the need for a softener. As such, GoEco Bio Enzyme Liquid Detergent is your answer to ensuring that your clothing always stay as clean as new.

Formulation : Lipase Enzyme, Protease Enzyme, Glucoside Cleaning Agent, and Non-lonic Cleaning Agent
  • An enzyme formulation that is highly biodegradable. Capable of thoroughly breaking down the oily film on the tableware and kitchen as well as the flooring.
  • It features low suds and no residual traces, leaving the surfaces squeaky clean after washing;
  • Highly concentrated formulation that needs only a small amount to generate economical cleaning results;
  • It is free from any harmful solvents and hence does not harm your hands, the utensils, or the surfaces of any material, making it safe and environmental friendly;
  • The sponge, rag, and washing basin do not become oily and can be rinsed clean with ease after use.
  • As the breaking down is effected by enzymatic actions, it helps dislodge the oily stains that have built up in the draining pipes to reduce problems associated with blockage, keeping your kitchen and household environment clean and hygienic at all times.
You may need to wait for another few more months at least to hear from my personal experience using GoEco products on CD washing. (",) As for now, I've been using GoEco for my household cleaning and extremely love it. Especially GoEco LD, with fresh-scent naturally extracted from Lavender. GoEco APC which contains lemon oil is also very good for washing cars and kitchen utensils. With these products, you do not need to buy different detergents for different type of cleaning in the house. Only 2 bottles of cleaner (LD and APC) for the whole house -- talk about saving money! And most importantly, safe for you and your baby!


I just came to realize why GoEco LD is essential to us especially breastfeeding mommies. Make sure you use it to wash your undergarments too! Because your baby is close to your body when breastfeeding. When our body perspires, traces of chemical products from the detergent used on our clothes might affect our babies. Let's create a healthier younger generation. Stop spreading diseases! Reduce unnecessary medications and live healthy!

Cloth diapers

Save the planet, save the earth!

How do you take part in making sure we are doing what we are supposed to maintain a healthy environment? Get rid of plastic bags? Well, that's a start but not the total solution. I remember how my hubby always yank about how we should not stop using plastic bags immediately. The people need to be taught how to make full use of the plastic bags we got from groceries shopping. Yeah. For people like us, we REALLY appreciate those plastic bags. We never simply throw them away. No no. It's too precious!

What else can we do?

Well, I'm not pretending to be like Captain Planet, here. But since I have been exposed to all the health awareness programs, things have become easier for me to accept the responsibility and do my part, a very small one, in helping creating a better living environment for the next generations, insya Allah.

Recently, I have been doing some research on Cloth Diapers (CD). Since I'm ending my 2nd trimester in a few more weeks (insya Allah), I thought it would be better to get myself loaded with knowledge and infos on the pros and cons using the CD. :)

Picha taken from Permata Ummi

At first, CD was never an option for me. Thinking that it would be a hassle compared to the disposable diapers. And not forgetting about the price! Gulp! But hey, thanks to the new technology of the world wide web, I managed to get useful information regarding its benefits. It's costly? Of course, definitely! 1 piece of CD ranges from about RM20 up to RM90! Wowwie. And I read that ideally, a baby requires 5 CD changing in a day. So we need to prepare ourselves with 10 CDs (at least) in order to survive the next day while the 1st day's CDs are being washed. Sounds difficult? If you want it to sound like one! So when I started to really investigate what's behind all the price and stuffs, I got to realize that it definitely saves money in the long run. Imagine having 10CDs for a child. It could last from the 1st day your little junior was born up till 3-4 years old. And when the next junior arrived, you don't have to buy a new set of CDs (unless you can't resist the cutie colours and prints). Even if you have 10 more juniors on the line, the same CDs can be used over and over again. Ok, maybe you might need to have more sets of CDs, but hey, imagine how much money you could save every month -- including fewer garbage bags! Brilliant? Yes!

When my mom and I were having our girl-chat yesterday, she also encourages about the use of CD. At first, she was not aware about CD's existence. But when I told her about the 'modern' diaper changing made of cloth, she totally supports it! That's why we love our mommies. Always positive and never rejects our (sometimes) ridiculous idea! Why? Because disposable diapers are easy - dispose after use. Easy, kan? So washing off the stains, hang them to dry, use it again - sounds a little ridiculous la - in these (konon) modern days. It's not so alien to our mommies pon because apparently, that's what they have been doing many many years ago, while we were kids! Dulu mana ade pampers!

Try googling "cloth diaper+vs+disposable diapers cost".

Of course not everybody is keen with the idea. But most of them who are against it might feel it is time-consuming since they have their day-jobs and no maids around. Well, IMHO when it comes to raising our children with the best care, it is not something that can be negotiated. So we need to think of what is our real priority. You think you can skip the first few years of their development and try to regain it in another few years? Think again. By that time, they've been raised up in a way you may not want and it's impossible to turn back time!

Still thinking raising baby is a hassle? Gah! Try raise some kittens! Having a baby definitely is the best thing in your life. I can feel it now it's dancing in my belly!

Alhamdulillah. Life is so very beautiful!

**And for some old sweet memories ...


"Go Planet!"

"By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!"

Captain Planet, he's our hero
Gonna take pollution down to zero

He's our powers magnified
And he's fighting on the planet's side

Captain Planet, he's our hero
Gonna take pollution down to zero

Gonna help him put asunder
Bad guys who like to loot and plunder

"You'll pay for this Captain Planet!"

We're the Planeteers
You can be one too
'Cause saving our planet is the thing to do!

Looting and polluting is not the way
Hear what Captain Planet has to say!

"The Power is Yours!"

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cheap facial spa

Facial cleansing is important in order to maintain a clean, glow and healthy skin. However, little did we know if it is not done with the right technique, it can cause harm to the skin. During our weekly house meeting last week, we learnt some simple basic steps on how to maintain a healthy facial skin using the VCare products. A good skincare products are essential as real cases have shown that highly chemical-ingredient products could lead to fatal damage to our health including major skin problems and even put us into a comma! VCare Skin Care range are made of plant-based ingredients, completely safe and what makes it more unique is the Nano-Ganoderma Lucidum extract. This means, the product range is suitable for all skin types and the nanonized ingredient will penetrate deep into the skin to balance our skin condition. Since the ingredients are all-natural and 100% safe, you don't have to be worried anymore. Now, thanks to the great effective products, you can enjoy a spa-like treatment whenever you like with a price you can definitely afford!

The must-have basic products for daily and weekly regime are :
  • VCare Facial Cleanser
  • VCare Makeup Remover
  • VCare Exfoliating Gel
  • VCare Facial Toner
  • Mask tissue
Here are the 3 simple steps for weekly routine :
  1. VCare Facial Cleanser + VCare Makeup Remover : Squeeze out Facial Cleanser and Makeup Remover (about 20cent-sized each) on your wet palm and work into rich lather. Makeup Remover is essential in cleansing routine as it is not necessarily for people who wears makeups, but specifically to get rid of oil and dirt trapped in the skin from the whole day activity. Massage the rich lather onto face and work from forehead down to your neck in outward circular motion. Rinse with clean water and pat dry.

  2. VCare Exfoliating Gel : Make sure your skin is completely dry. Squeeze a small amount of Exfoliating Gel on the skin and massage slowly in outward circular motion. Similarly, work from forehead down to your neck. Notice that as you massage your skin, dead skin cells will start to appear. Continue until flakes of dead cells drop off from your face. Rinse with clean water and pat dry.

  3. VCare Facial Toner + Mask tissue : Use a plain face-sized tissue (can get from local pharmacy) and fold it into a small size. Apply a generous amount of Facial Toner on the folded tissue until it is damped. Unfold the tissue and apply it on your skin. Make sure to release air bubbles so that the tissue is directly contacted with skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes and remove slowly.

For daily routine, skip step #2 and use a cotton pad to apply Facial Toner on your face after cleansing. Note that the best time for facial routine is between 10pm to 2am everyday. When your face is properly cleansed, you will wake up feeling fresh the next morning~

Easy? So why wait? Start your own spa treatment at the comfort of your home today! Maybe next time I'll upload a video from one of our facial demo sessions!

When your skin's healthy, it shows~

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Cure : Heal your body, save your life

This book was recommended to read by Diamond Norliza during our last few meetings at her house. The Cure was written by Dr Timothy Brantley, who was inspired by the poor results of western medications towards the illness of his parents. His mom suffered many years with breast cancer before she passed away when he felt relieved with her death, as his mom once told him, "No one should suffer like this". I personally haven't got the book for myself but I found some words from the book that could give us the idea why we should seek for the alternative.

Taken from the last chapter of The Cure…

Imagine living in a healthy and vibrant body, feeling great every day of your life. What if I told you this is not a fantasy? The truth is that you already live in a body designed for balance and optimal health.

Your body knows only one thing for sure – how to balance, heal and restore itself – if you allow it to do so. Balance equals optimal health, and the body was designed to constant return to balance and health because diseases cannot live in a healthy body.

Few basic points highlighted by Dr Timothy includes :

  • Follow the rules and laws of Creation – the only real authority ; Solat & du'a for the muslims.
  • Live according to Creation and remember that prevention is the key ; Start now.
  • Always keep the idea of balance in the forefront of your mind ; Be moderate in life.
  • Understand what you have learned and why it works
  • Ask questions when you don't understand, and don't stop until you get an answer ; Be curious. After all, it's about your own body.
  • Take responsibility for your actions and what you put in your mouth ; You are what you eat, breath and do.
  • Don't wait until you're in trouble to take action ; Prevention is everything.
  • You are your best health insurance policy ; Enough said.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Toothpaste : Real facts

Did you know?
  • Our pipe contains only LESS THAN ONE part per million of flouride.
  • Flouride : Most normal adult toothpastes contain about 1500 parts per million of flouride. Flouride is a poison used to kill rats and insects. Excessive flouride ingestion causes dental fluorosis, affects our brain, bones and other organs.
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) : Adult toothpaste also contains SLS (also available in most commercial shampoos, body shower and other cleansing products), a detergent and a foam booster. It can cause canker sores (mouth ulcers) as it dries out the protective mucus lining in the mouth.
  • Sodium Saccharin : Adult toothpaste also contains Sodium Saccharin. Saccharin is an artificial sweetener synthesized from coal tar. It causes bladder cancer in male rats.
**Source taken from Pureen Maternity Toothpaste - Safe for pregnant women

Now hear this.
  • Nano-Ganoderma Lucidum : Triterpenoids in Ganoderma are capable of subduing the production of glucan by Strettococcus Mutans, hence contributing to preventing dental plaque and tooth decay. On the other hand, it also contains polysaccharides which are notable in enhancing blood circulation in the gum tissues, apart from revitalizing the tissues of mucus membrane in the mouth cavity.
  • Aloe Barbadensis : As Aloe has an exceptional ability in repairing the outer skin of the gums, exterminating bacteria, and preventing the formation of dental calculus (tartar), it is remarkable in maintaining the hygienic condition of the mouth cavity.
  • Xylitol : Featuring a low caloric content and a refreshing flavour, Xylitol does not readily become fermented in the presence of micro-organism to produce acidic substances. With its amazing capability in subduing the proliferation of Streptococcus Mutatis, it makes an ideal ingredient for effective prevention of tooth decay.
  • Chlorophyllin : It helps prevent gum bleeding and bad breath. It is also capable of breaking down the food debris stuck in the crevices between adjacent teeth to help restore the hygienic condition of the mouth cavity and relieve sensitive gums.
  • Natural Gel : A natural translucent gel is incorporated to effectively reduce friction and avoid damage done to the enamel during brushing.
  • Foaming Agent : The foaming agent used is extracted from coconut and corn. Natural in origin, mild in action, safe for consumption, and does not produce any toxic, it plays a remarkable rolde in subduing bacteria and preventing tooth decay.
  • Natural menthol or peppermint is added to keep the mouth cavity fresh without introducing any irritation, making it a perfect choice for all your family members, young and old alike.

**Source taken from : > Products > Personal care > Greenzhi Toothgel

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A hope

Hope. That's all we're able to give. We can never guarantee anything, nor can we decide for others. All we do is advice, share and educate, and the decision is up to them. The result is up to the Almighty.

This will be the 5th year I'm involved with Shuang Hor. Why am I still here? Simply because the hope that I can give to others when they think they have none. When they do not know what to do while they're down, we provide solutions. When they are sick and not able to get up, we help to make them feel better and stronger. So why not Shuang Hor?

I am not against the doctors. According to Merriam Webster, one of the definitions of a doctor is a person skilled or specializing in healing arts, especially one who holds an advanced degree and is licensed to practice. Another definition says that a doctor is a person who restores, repairs or fine-tunes things. Well, to me, a doctor is a person with all the knowledge about human's body functions and has a high understanding of drugs to be / not to be used by human (or for animals - Vet). Yes, they have the 'license' to prescribe you with drugs and give advice based on the diagnosis / tests done on your body. But in the end of the day, I always believe that the best doctor in the whole wide world (WWW-not world wide web) is our own body. This is because, based on the definition given by Merriam Webster itself, our body is able to restore, repair and finetune itself - provided that we have a good immune system. And how do we have that? Of course, by having a good digestive system, as well as other main body systems - nervous, metabolism, respiratory and circulatory system.

I've been attending weekly health meetings and seminars conducted by Shuang Hor for about 2 years now. And of course, there are still new things to be learnt everyday. Our body is 'constructed' beautifully that no other machine could ever match. Not even close. The organs are actually irreplaceable, so take care of your kidneys, liver, tonsils and even your appendix! They are in your body for a bloody good reason!

So what happen if our kidneys are not working as they are supposed to? What should we do if our tonsils are swollen? Well, if you are experiencing any discomforts in your body, it shows that your body is sending you a signal / alarm that parts of your body is sick. The solution is not to remove the alarm, but to attend the problem areas. The best thing to do is strengthen your immune system and your whole body will work cohesively to fight any infections / irregulars happening.

Why are we so concern about your health?

Have you heard of a 12-year-old girl, got her uterus taken out? It started with bad period cramps. But I wonder, how many menstrual cycles have this 12-year-old girl gone through, to make the doctor suggested hysterectomy? And what's more, didn't the parents know what are the consequences and how's the future of this girl would be after this? Lack of education & knowledge? Maybe. That's why we try to reach as many people as possible to educate how we have the full rights to our own body. Any suggestions / recommendations from the doctors should be analyzed, and not to accept them 100% without any research or 2nd opinions.

That's one of the many cases with shocking organs-removal done by human, towards another human being.

This remind me of a hadith : Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda yang bermaksud, "Bahawa Allah telah menurunkan penyakit dan ubat dan dijadikan kepada setiap penyakit ada ubatnya. Berubatlah, tetapi jangan berubat dengan benda-benda yang haram". Wallahualam.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shiatsu - Brain ( top part)

Shiatsu or acupressure is a type of massage, origin from Japan. We are lucky that in our network, all of us got to learn the basic of Shiatsu that can easily be practiced and useful whenever we meet anyone, anywhere. The method includes tapping and rolling of a stick on parts of our body.

From the previous entry, the picha shows that red lumps appear on both thumbs of MsPmp's. A stick was rolled at the affected area and after a while, the lumps were obvious. Even though the same technique was used on both thumbs, they showed different results. Just a quick history background; MsPmp has been suffering from migraine since she was still in secondary school. The point where the red lumps appeared is one of our brain points - in this case, it's the top part of the brain. The left thumb showed a darker red lump, means the right side of the brain (top part) has a blockage, probably with blood clots. The right thumb also showed a red lump, only lighter, means the left side of the brain (top part) is also blocked with clots, but not as bad as the other side.

If you think it is a must to have red lumps after you rolled a stick on your fingers, you are absolutely wrong. This is because, right after MsPmp was being Shiatsu-ed, she rolled the same stick with the exact same technique on my fingers, and guess what, there were no red lumps appeared. Of course, I did not have the same health problem as her, so my reactions were not similar to hers.

So why Shiatsu? Yes, it might look scary to have red spots / bruises everywhere in your body after, but it's a way to make you feel better. After Shiatsu-ing / massaging, any blockages of clots / gas should be able to flow smoothly but remember, massaging is just a temporary solutions. After knowing the problem points in your body by Shiatsu, act now! Eat the right food, exercise and of course, live healthy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


What is this? Last night we learnt the detail points and techniques of Shiatsu massage. Picha above is the aftermath of MsPmp. Note that the left thumb was massaged for a shorter period than the right thumb. What do those red lumps mean? Wait for the next entry! ;)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Early stage

So recently I've been reading many articles & info regarding the first trimester of pregnancy. Most experiences are the same but of course there are some incidents or difficulties one has to encounter. This might not be the case to others, but hey, there's always bumps in the road but that does not mean you won't reach to your destination, right?

Well, by now I knew that total care is super essential during the early stage. Not that I was not aware of before, but after experiencing it yourself, only then you would understand what it really means. It taught me not to do any heavy-lifts, don't be too aggressive, don't be stressed, watch out for bumps while you're driving, EAT ON TIME, and many other things should be considered BEFORE you are confirmed to be pregnant. This means, even if you haven't gone for the test, just to be on the safe side, avoid doing all those mentioned above (and few other things which should be common sense to normal people) until you are confirmed NOT PREGNANT. This is to avoid any unwanted incidents that could affect your pregnancy.

One of the not-too-rare cases is to bleed in the early pregnancy. It could due to implantation bleeding, which is not harmful but it could also lead to otherwise. The best thing to do when you experience spotting/staining (even just a little bit), just go for a checkup with your gynae and check the condition of your pregnancy. If the 'beanie' is still in there but you are still bleeding, it's sometimes called 'threatened miscarriage'. From the name itself, it sounds like just a threat but according to some, it's important to have a full bedrest at home, at least until the spotting is clear for a few days or till your gynae confirmed that your pregnancy is safe. Usually threatened miscarriage is a 50/50 chance. So better not to take any risk, just have a complete bedrest MOST IMPORTANTLY if you don't feel pain at all. Because I know it's difficult to just lie down in bed like a sick person, without actually being sick but trust me, it's all worth it.

Duphaston is a hormon replacement that might be a favourite option for some gynaes. I do not fancy any drugs, of course, but during this situation, I tend to balance out everything. After doing some investigation on that particular drug, I decided to stop consuming it especially when my own sister affirmed me that it has been discontinued in the UK for some reason. So the only 'medication' I took were just the Shuang Hor products. I took a high dosage of YungKien LingZhi, Pollen for the folic acid and nutrients, VitaKing to strengthen the muscle - avoid miscarriage, insya Allah, and Soy Protein for fetus development and growth. Alhamdulillah, after 1 week, my beanie showed tremendous improvement and I just can't wait for the first trimester to be over. Just so that I don't have to wake up feeling anxious every time. But all in all, my cravings are good. I eat like every 30 minutes and I drink every 5 minutes. No morning sickness so far and things are getting better day after day.
