Tuesday, July 14, 2009



Yung Kien Ganoderma-D is now awarded the Health Food Accreditation on function to Regulate Allergic Physical Constitution (A00069). Click here for certificate.

The contents of the certificate (A00069) are :

I - Results of animal tests have shown that the product helps increase the survival rate of Senescence Accelerated Mice
II - Results of animal tests have shown that the product helps :
i) Discourage the secretion of enzymes by cells associated with allergic reactions and;
ii) Discourage the proliferation on antigen-specific immune cells

Chicken Wings

Avoid eating chicken wings frequently (or at all!) - ladies especially...

As told by a friend :

A friend of mine recently had a growth in her womb and she underwent an operation to remove it. The cyst removed was filled with a dark coloured blood. She thought that she would be recovered after the surgery BUT she was terribly wrong!

A repalse occured just a few months later. Distressed, she rushed down to her gynecologist for a consultation.

During her consultation, her doctor asked her a question that puzzled her. He asked if she was a frequent consumer of chicken wings and she replied YES wondering as to how he know of her eating habit.

You see, the truth is in this modern day and age, chickens are injected with steroids to accelerate their growth so that the needs of this society can be met. This need is none other than the need for food.

Chickens that are injected with steroids are usually given the shot at the neck or the wings. Therefore, it is in these places that the highest concentration of steroid exists. These steroids have terrifying effects on the body as it accelerates growth.

It has an even more dangerous effect in the presence of female hormones, this leads to women being more prone to the growth of a cyst in the womb. Therefore, I advise the people out there to watch their diets and to lower their frequency of consuming chicken wings!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Vertigo Reactions

In one of Shuang Hor's OPP Slide pages, there's one titled "Initial responses generally experienced after taking LingZhi". These are :

1) Improvement of subjective symptoms (eg : headaches)
2) Normal appetite
3) Normal sleep
4) Normal excretion
5) Fresh with vitality

6) Vertigo Reactions

What are Vertigo Reactions?

Vertigo Reactions = Getting Well Reactions (Detoxification)
*Vertigo Reactions are temporary signs with no cause for alarm

Examples of possible Vertigo Reactions :

1) Existing symptoms à slightly aggravated
Appetite à reduce/increase craving for food
Sleep à unable to sleep well
Excretion à constipation or diarrhea
Alertness à frequent bouts of fatigue, sleepy
6) Others à thirst, farting, urticaria (itchy on skin), etc.
**During consumption of LingZhi, there is no need to stop on-going medication or therapy (if any)

Personally, I've experienced different reactions throughout my long term of LingZhi consumption. I started with Lu Chun LingZhi Tea, and then to JiaHor LingZhi, JiaHor Nutri-Health Tablet, CEO Café up till the very amazing YungKien LingZhi. I also compliment my daily dosage with JiaHor Soy Protein, Jia Hor Hi-Fibre, and recently, I put some JiaHor Seasoning Powder to my dishes and it tastes good too. :)

To some of you, you may think that I must be earning so much that I can afford consuming all of the products at once! Well, not really. I don’t consume all at once. I keep taking LingZhi continuously every month and compliment it with other products once in a while. I consume according to my budget. And the benefits I got from the products have actually driven me to do the business so that I can consume more products with more discounts, and hopefully one day, FOC! It is possible, but definitely takes time and effort and lots, lots of patience. At the same time, I can share my knowledge to help others to improve their lifestyle to a healthy one too. 

But for this post, let me just focus on my reactions I have experienced so far...
When I started taking JiaHor LingZhi few years back, only I experienced real and visible reactions. First, it was the headache¹ (OK, this is not visible ;P). For those of you who started to get this reaction, I understand if you feel like quitting because I TOO HATE HEADACHES! Very painful, felt like vomiting (and sometimes I literally did), can’t do any work, and you have that urge to bang your head on the wall. Stop! But knowing that it’s a first sign of a positive reaction, I was patient enough to bear with the pain and suck it all in, and Alhamdulillah, I got through it. Few days later, I started to have some rashes2 on my knees. I remember this happened after having few prawns for lunch.

And then I experienced having a massive discharge. Usually this type of reaction only happened to those with menstruation problem. I used to have clots during my monthly and that clots actually contribute to period-pain where most people say it is normal since we have ‘Panadol Menstrual’ selling at all 7-11 stores. But some people have light and some people suffer from bad period-pain. There are people who do not suffer any pain at all during menstruation. So ladies, face the fact that period-pain is NOT normal.

When I started consuming CEO Café 2 sachets per day, consistently, I started to have itchiness2 on my hands after 2 weeks. It continued with a slight fever and the itchiness/rashes developed throughout my whole body. I knew at that time it was one of vertigo reactions but when I couldn’t handle the rashes, I went to see the Doctor and get some cream to relieve the itchiness. Some said it was hay-fever. Doctor suspected dengue fever (because red spots started to appear on both of my hands) and did a blood test on me but the result was negative. Thank God. I continued CEO Café consumption and used VCare Shower Gel for bathing, on top of applying medicated-cream given by Doctor and also some GreenZhi paste on the rashes. Result : rashes got dried out and skin started peeling off -- To those of you who were there during my skin-change, you know how it was, right? It’s like getting back from Port Dickson after sun-bathing for a few days. My skin dropped off everywhere! Erkkhh. After couple of weeks, everything got back to normal. :D

Also after CEO Café consumption that I realized my bowel habit was getting better. I am not sure when did I start to have constipation but I never remember going to the toilet to do that ‘thing’ everyday. So, probably since I was a small kid. Hm.

More reactions happened after complimenting LingZhi intake with other products. My stool texture becoming better after consuming JiaHor Hi-Fibre. Less hairfall and dandruff since I have been using VCare Scalpcare Shampoo and having JiaHor Soy Protein for breakfast every morning. There was one time I had a tiny layer of cataract-like on my white-eye. Went to check with the Doctor and she said it was common and nothing to be afraid of. Only that after 20 years I need to undergo a surgery to remove it. Hm. What a relieving explanation. I am not blaming the doctors, though. I am sure it’s written like that somewhere in their syllabus. I just don’t like to attend surgeries, that’s all. So I rinsed my eyes with GreenZhi. And few days later that ‘thing’ in my eye was gone. Alhamdulillah.

After I have secured my first day-job, I started consuming YungKien LingZhi every month. I started with high dosage of 12 capsules per day together with about 20 capsules of YungKien Pollen and the first week made me went to the toilet not less than 10 times per day. I was pee-ing heavily and was told by more experienced people that it’s a sign of kidney-cleansing. After that, I did not experience much reaction so I reduced my consumption (due to a very tight budget) but continuously everyday.

Last 2 weeks I had a fever. It’s been a while since I experienced one. I started to get a slight temperature on Wednesday. By Friday, my fever was gone. During this period, I consumed about 6-10 JiaHor LingZhi per day. And then I had sore throat. As advised by AN, I opened up 1 capsule of JiaHor LingZhi and pour directly to my throat. Only 1/3 of the capsule went through with that method. The rest had to be mixed into my coffee. Very bitter. ;P On Sunday morning, I started to cough3 a little. Towards late in the afternoon, coughing became worse. I increase the dosage and by late evening, my JiaHor consumption was 15 capsules on that day. About couple of hours before I hit bed, my breathing was normal. I could inhale deeply and no wheezing at all. Alhamdulillah… 

Long-term of LingZhi consumption can definitely prevent diseases to build-up in your body and could cure/reverse current disease you’re suffering…insya Allah. J

1Back when I was 12 years old, I suffered from a very bad headache almost every day for about a year

2I used to have a bad allergy towards fish when I was <8 style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;"> keropok ikan, fishcake, even those tiny anchovies! No-no. The only F-food I could consume at that time was Bawal Putih fish. Maybe because it’s pricey. (my high-taste preference showed at an early young age, huh ;P)
3I have a history of asthma when I was much younger. The worst asthma attach when I was 16-17 years old. EVERYTIME I have a cough, I will definitely get shortness of breath at night, wheezing. Usually I have to spend few nights sitting body straight-up on sofa, not sleeping, in my living room, where it’s a larger space compared to my bedroom so that I can get air to breathe easily.